
this would be a great feature if the cars talked to each other and helped drive and update road conditions. think about it all the cars tell how fast traffic is moving so you know what areas to avoid. they can also have sensors that tell you of weather conditions at their location, you could even know the number of

it seems the aircraft is designed to cope with the problem. The thing is that the engine is not.

With people ditching the PC for a laptop this could be the form

it's the iPhone 4 and she has it in the death Grip!

This change will only make people angry. While a soft sim is not a bad idea, the inertia of the current arrangement will not allow one phone manufacturer to make this change.

ok, i don't know where he shops but the back scratchers are less than 2 dollars. Next why is he wearing a USF hat? can USF sue him? i don't think i want my school associated with him and the bear scratch.

@cc: really? think about it, every iPhone person will buy more iPhones, they do it every year! I was paying $600 a year more than i am now just to have one. Android users will return to the iPhone in two years.

@Ghostnappa9001: HTC Hero is one year old. Also i might point out that it would be far better for her to run iOS3 than iOS4. No one is saying that Android is not a lighter OS, but it crashes more and has more problems than iOS. iOS also feels more polished than android. Haven't used 2.2 not available for my phone.

While true that this guy scammed the scammer. He did not rob him of his money, he asked and obtained items freely. While a scam not as bad as thinking you are going to have 10 million deposited to your bank and finding out your 200$ for this month are gone.

I see two problems with this Grilled Cheese Sandwich:

if they want this to be used in 2014 they better get them to market now!

@hfm: in 2005 google bought a company that made cell phone software. Apple would have had ios1 already in the works. Google maps was one of the first applications. They probably acquired the company to port their software to the iphone until apple told them no just youtube and google maps. Then Google probably went

if 3 years ago a certain phone had not come out then there would be no android! so is android a result of apple? did apple create a monster?

I want a 7" screen!

@Slinkytech: I don't really know but a religion is a belief in something we cannot prove. Since i cannot definitively prove there is or isn't a god being on either side of the fence makes you have a religion. A religion of no belief is still a religion. Gathering together is also something religions do.

I say we open a discount paint your accessory and we do it for 50$ but instead of taking it apart we just mask and paint! we'll make millions! and we can use that stuff they use to paint truck beds! that stuff is indestructible!

@fate47 - meh.: it looked like that stuff did not cover the whole width of the antenna. if it was a little bit wider it should work.

@phoomp: that would be great! the glow in the dark should react to cell phone waves! we need to make this we would sell millions!

@sam.foisy: I think no phone should ever be in a case! the cases make them thicker. Plus what's the point of having something if it has to be hidden?

there is oil too, that moves quicker