
I read the book long ago and watched the movie a dozen times and obviously really liked both. But i was always curious and eager to learn more about the world it is set in and how it came to be, thats why i welcome every backstory and backflash they give us. There is the very justified complaint that female characters

Lately there is quite a lot of criticism of the show whenever it shows part of the plot through the eyes of male protagonists. I dont really get it, why should the show ignore the male perspective of this world/gilead? The world building was pretty weak in the first episodes and there was a need to flesh out the the

I dont want to offend anyone, but im a bit confused about all those commentators saying Dev/Francesca hit too close to home/reminded them of similar experiences. Were you people dating characters from some pc game? Francesca has no depth, a blank slate mixed with nearly all the cliches imaginable. Totally unbelievable

Francesca as portraited in the show doesnt resemble a human being. i dont care what name you call her, but thats not a real person, its a fantasy. i didnt know whether to laugh my ass off or simply puke when they started to dance the twist with her wearing his shirt.

Great point. The world building of this show is really lazy, which bothers me more and more.

yes, Francesca is an unbelievable character, something out of a 15 yrs old boys imagination. And its only getting worse in following episodes.

This show has seriously screwed up its world building. The movie made so much more sense, its internal logic was way more accurate.
First mistake: original book/movie was an extrapolation of political trends in the 80s set 20 yrs later. It wasnt an unbelievable scenario, it gave our imagination enough time. This TV

True, it just bothered me so much after binging the show today that i had to vent somewhere. He did such a great job fleshing out character and stories, but then regresses to some fantasy boys (me included) had/have in their puberty.
I also wonder what his beef is with Anthony Bourdain, Chef Jeff is his carbon copy.

Francesca - aka fantasy wish fulfillment girl - nearly wrecked this season for me. totally unbelievable character, as human as a Boston Dynamics robot. its really sad he included this very pathetic and predictable love story into an otherwise great season.

Most underrated tv show of all times. Screw all these think pieces about Cheers and similar cheesy show, this one (atleast first the 6 seasons) stands the test of time and is still funny as heck.Its the first comedy show (atleast that i remember) that tackled corporate lies,the death of the american dream, the cult of

yes thats true but i still prefer the kitchen fight. the last take where the dead unnamed killer slips of Ramas shoulder in a kind of tender and brotherly way made me feel things i usually dont in such scenes. it was a great and innovative ending sequence to an awesome and brutal fight.

The kitchen fight towards the end of Raid 2 is the best martial arts scene ever filmed, period!

watch Raid 2, superior to the first one. I wasnt a huge fan of the first one, but the second one blew me away.

ok, the guy who play Shades is goddamn awful, had to get that off my chest. I'd also like to see a black man on TV once who isnt "spiritual" and/or throwing Bible quotes around.

and now Umberto Eco too… RIP

i applaud the family that brought their kids to the movie.

Frank calling Dennis "Del Boy"….priceless, nice nod

I was fortunate to watch this movie during a small film festival in croatia a few days ago, a very funny, very unusual and quite intelligent film. i still have to laugh when i think about a specific scene when farrell states "i was just behind the tree masturbating" (you`ll get it when you see the movie).

a truly awful album, C is way to generous. I really like their first album, i understand that people could get annoyed by the shtick, but they used to have some really good tunes. But now….i dont know, such a senseless piece of crap.

And quite often as margaery claims….