
I'm not turning it into a nice statement, I'm saying cherry gives as good as she gets. But hey, I'm a blunt person too, be glad you're not dating me. The ranch was wonderful once but had become a prison for the family. You read any end of an era story about plantations in the south, far worse usually has to happen.

You put it better than I did, but yeah, its the "better off without him" line when someone is moping about a breakup. At worst its like being glad grandpa is no longer battling cancer.

Eh, I think she's exaggerating the point which is: we will be fine without the ranch and a new start is its own beauty. Cole will never say stand up to cherry, so I applaud Luisa doing it. I suspect cherry will have more respect for that move, than the standard paper doll gf.

I guess we see different shows, cause I didnt see helen as that great a marriage. She made fun of his face in sex, let her father run roughshod. I would agree that max loves helen like Helen loved Noah: as narcissists love pets. Overstatement, sure, but so is yours: Helen did plenty to end her own marriage. Is

It seems in poor taste to take advantage of Helen's low moment. I don't think max loved Helen, but she was one of the few he'd never bought. To me, noah and Helen are the good safe couple and max is the party boy; each gets something out of hanging out occasionally but its not a 3 musketeers thing. Like if Barney

I think people are falling for the same black/white thinking that Noah is. Is it possible to be a good husband who also spends a year in another country, with some agreed upon concessions to monogamy? Are hardworking professions allowed a pass on monogamy, just as they are allowed a pass on diapers and dinners and

Anyone else wondering why they don't have more hired help? I wouldn't expect a woman at the height of her career to do those things either.

I think that the stable life has appealfrom the outside and momentum and sunk costs on the inside. At this point, its btdt on the marriage thing. As someone who rode the wave of professional success, and took longer to crave a stable family life, I can relate to his crisis. Plot wise, the kid that's impinging on

Oh please, do you page a surgeon off duty to address power outages? Whats next, asking him to take your bedpan? If the worst happens and the hospital loses main power and the backup generator, are you hoping the surgeon will macgyver a solution? Or is that the job of administration and electricians and the national