Evidently, no.
Evidently, no.
Why are they running it all? Didn’t they get enough thumping from Hogan and that story where they colluded with a blackmailer to out a married gay man?
Only Jezebel and the supermarket tabloids are covering this story.
Well, she’s not dead yet but she did just have an “intolerable” and “collapses in front of 3 billion people” house just fall on her.
Do you know why Shechet posted this idiot article on this nobody?
Unlike Jezebel.
The party needed gutting. Meanwhile, dems have learned nothing.
Thank you for your support.
Only half of them are flying monkeys.
Yes, but who are you...
I don’t know, who are you?
Well, you'd be wrong them, wouldn't you..
I think it’s an effective campaign tactic to keep labeling your potential supporters and voters as “stupid”.
He's at 10% in the polls.
Do you really think yours is an effective line of argumentation?
Tell that to the sanders supporters who are going to vote for Johnson.