
I know you’re being glib but since you like tossing hanging curveballs I’ll play...

I’m pretty sure sanders supporters do.

Agreed, Johnson is not on my radar, only flying monkeys...which admittedly are easy to spot.

You don't work for the campaign, you're too stupid to be paid.

I guess that idiom went right over your head.

When will Hillary supporters admit they backed the wrong horse?

I thought you left the discussion?

A significant number of sanders supporters are voting Johnson, this scares the shit out of flying monkeys.

It's more like Hillary flying monkeys admitting they can't touch trump, particularly with a tone deaf candidate like her, fishing in smaller ponds.

Well, it's Stein this time around and she is at about 3% right now, no reason to take her out until she hits 5%.

Or, we can attack him because blundering Hillary is giving the election away.

Well, ex sanders supporters and left leaning independents are considering him.

So, he was running against Obama in 2012?

Yes, time to start attacking Johnson since he’s taking votes from Hillary.

Either of what?

I’ve been to France many times, have no plans to go back.

I find your use of the term “little girl” highly sexist and offensive.

But those posting the Harambe pics were only “kidding”.

Run away, I would if I were you.

“Nah, I’m sorry, there’s no line to me for entertainers like Jonah Hill...”