
Non-answers like that usually mean it’s not coming here, but they don’t want to give a definitive “no” on the record in case the decision changes down the road. I guess enough jalopniks didn’t buy the most affordable fun car on the market to justify a second version. COLOR ME SHOCKED.

I would say the referees sealed the loss with a stupid penalty when two guys were just screwing around a little.

Have you seen the President they’re responding to? Who exactly should be setting the level of discourse here?

I liked the order. “If I score two touchdowns today, obviously I’m going to want to participate in today’s historic protest. If I score only one touchdown, obviously I’ve got to do the dog-peeing routine.”

I’m sorry, I just don’t see how kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful. In fact, I think it’s the perfect way to bring awareness of how the freedom that the brave men and women in the armed forces fight for is not equally distributed to the American citizens back home, without disrespecting those people. I have

I wish they had accepted and then shown up to Obama’s house for a bbq.

Thank you for proving my point. Your support for seditionists and traitors is noted.

Both ways, this is the dumbest shit ever.

The physical exertion of throwing a punch would drop Trump on the spot. One wild, wrist-first haymaker, and he’d be on the ground clutching his chest.

Trump’s never taken a cab a day in his life.

I would never stop laughing if they all decide to visit Obama’s house and offer up an “Obama 1" or “Obama 44" jersey in front of a full assemblage of reporters.

The classic “you can’t fire me, I quit!” move.

“Hey, you should come hang out”

Goodell. Trump’s the kind of guy will talk shit non-stop, but as soon as you get out of your seat to walk towards him he runs away. He’s the classic bully that only picks on people 50 lbs lighter than he is.

It takes a special kind of asshole to make Goodell look like the good guy in comparison...

The 2017 version of this battle would be insane in the BEST way. Want. Much want. So much want.

Let’s play.

The NCAA is about helping the athletes, which is why they discourage teenagers from starting their own businesses and exercising their entreprenurial/marketing spirit. Duh.

The clear material has scratch marks on it, which leads me to believe that it’s plastic, not glass (easily confirmed by officials). The curved chrome has a black core, which suggests to me they’re plastic bits. So it’s all plastic, in my amateur interpretation, which would suggest a late-ish model vehicle. I feel the