
Its a tough question but I can see why they would like her to speak Japanese. Was watching the game in a small mom and pop restaurant where the old owners who didnt seem to know much tennis were very excited a Japanese person was winning the finals. They dont know much if any english and you could tell they were

When it comes to the swastika, there’s no such thing as “being offended just to be offended”.

The nazi swastika was never based on the Buddhist one though, they based it on an old Germanic symbol. Lots of cultures used similar symbols in the past.

It ain’t just rappers that love SpongeBob. When my brother was doing Federal time one of the worst prison fights he ever had the displeasure of witnessing was a straight brawl over a guy changing the channel from SpongeBob. 

...Wow, how the fuck did that ever get 5 upvotes?

Stupidly AWESOME!

Lawson is a beloved convenience store chain throughout Japan, a sort of elevated 7-Eleven

As unfortunate as it is, good streaming numbers are the most important numbers nowadays when it comes to a game’s health. It drives sales extremely heavily, to the point where some developers and publishers are thinking it’s the end of singleplayer gaming (though games like RDR2 and whatnot are proof otherwise).

How do you know the Xbox One version is dead when it’s the same version and it’s crossplay/crossbuy on the two platforms.

I think Composting is mostly for people who play in peaceful mode, and thus have no access to bone meal.

Except these characters are “ancestors”, which implies they had coitus with opposite sex. So not exclusively gay, no.

There was a report of a weapon in the car. Standoff with a successful deescalation seems like the best possible result.

I think you may have missed the most important part: they actually used “deescalation techniques.” I was beginning to think that all police everywhere have forgot what that even was let alone been trained to use them.

If you can’t do it, you can’t do it.

Or he’s trying to save face so he doesn’t lose viewers when the ban is over.

Pretending to break the rules should still be a violation. Whats to stop other streamers from saying they were just pretending to hit their spouse but were actually just making sound effects off stream? Whats to stop someone from saying they are under 21 and drinking then after they are banned claiming they are in

I mean, of all the reasons a Twitch ban makes the news, this is probably the least objectionable thing to be banned for.

At the time of the letter you had Symmetra, Pharah, Ana, and Sombra. What the hell else do you want?

I mean he potentially just gave an early death sentence to baby twins. Oh I'm sorry, play stupid games win stupid prizes.