
What are you talking about - the flag is not racist, this is just pearl clutching. You acting like Nike should hire people to have stupid overreactions? SMH

I just can’t agree with this part:

Was at the Cosmo last week and people of various races were walking through the casino in thongs. Sex workers of various races loitering inside and out. Really doubt systematic racism is the issue here. Sounds like a publicity ploy from a D-lister.

Ignoring subpoenas is a thing now! Only the best people do it.

$200K to earn a sociology degree from Morehouse?

Blacks might do better in American society if they didn’t resort to violence as the only way to solve their problems. No wonder they have made so little progress in the past 300 years. The only way they can think of to face adversity is with their fists.

No you don’t. You’re neither poor nor American.

Hue Jackson has a truly unique ability to take big risks when it's a bad idea, and to play it safe when it's worth taking a gamble.

LOL. Yeah, I mean, who needs a SEVENTH FBI background check anyway? Give me a break, he doesn’t owe a damn thing.

Cool. Now post your pic.

Weirder penis, Big Ben or Trump?

Because Aaron Hernandez thrived in NE's "structured" environment?

Fact...Global capitalism, the free market, has pulled more people out of poverty worldwide than any other system in human history, by multiple levels of magnitude.

This site sucks.

Dear god, how do you make it through the day will all of the micro-aggressions you have to suffer through?

So let’s run it down.  POC doesn’t think the rules for using handicapped spaces applies to him.  POC thinks feels entitled to use violence against someone pointing out he didn’t follow the rules for using handicapped spaces.  POC’s friends and family are unhappy when that violence is returned and blame the the other

“provoke someone into a physical confrontation”

McGlockton did not deserve to die. He also sounded like a real piece of shit human being, who didn’t care about parking in a handicapped spot and jumped right to physical altercations. That doesn’t make what happened to him acceptable, but you also don’t need to try and act like the things that led up to this

When I watched the video, he is standing at least a car door length away from the woman in the car. as there is no sound I can’t tell if he’s yelling at her or not but assuming he was, he had at least assumed a respectful distance. It looked like he was giving her a peice of his mind but being careful not to

I think that's important to note, because if we're being honest, there's a SLEW of awful, terrible and illegal things I would do if I was assured there would be no consequences. I have a small number of people who have deeply hurt me who would be deeply hurt (or worse) themselves, I would obtain money through force,