
Paying $100 a year is not an improvement, especially if you don’t need to use the software that often

meanwhile I’m still waiting for them to veto the import ban on those Kinder brand chocolate eggs

“Also to save even more plastic, customers will now just put their head under the machine for their flurry, instead of wasting a cup”

“.........afternoon delight..?”

“Hey, why did the pilots face go blank, and he’s singing ‘Fortunate Son’

So are the Lemons races Hoopty loopty loops?

Sorry the obviously an auto accident headline you clicked on wasn’t the something entirely different you were expecting.

You may want to check with your state insurance commissioner and see if that’s necessary, and if not, what to do about it. It sounds real weird to have to do that when they are not living with you, and fully grown.

“Now see, if you don’t pay the protection money, maybe your planes can’t even fit in the gate. Maybe the luggage carousel gets installed on the ceiling instead...

“Hi, I want to add my 14 year old son to my insurance. No, they dont have a licence, they don’t drive. “

At least it wasn’t an Australian spider

You sound like you would enjoy the ceti eel scene

That comment is the wost. Wait, 2nd wost after this one.

Technically, you didn’t say you would ban them, you just said they would be banned. Maybe you made it happen somehow behind the scenes, maybe you didn’t?

*A few months later, hes on late night TV, or Shark Tank selling his dent protectors

I’d like to see him explaining that to the insurance company.
“My car was blown up by the police”

While I was in the car, a woman hit my side mirror with a shopping cart. I got out to say some words that would have got me ejected from a hockey stadium, but checking the mirror, there was no damage, and her car was an old Saturn that looked lived in, so I left it alone. I did stop going to that grocery store after

I can imagine a scenario where he thought those bumpers were a good idea, but the suction cups occasionally pop off, so he has that as a backup.

I heard from a Jeep owner that got metal tube steps/running boards, they said if someone threw their door into it, all they would do it get a dent on their door and leave some paint on the undamaged step

Not sure if you could get one on an Outback, but I heard from a Jeep owner that got metal tube steps/running boards, they said if someone threw their door into it, all they would do it get a dent on their door and leave some paint on the undamaged step