
If I got hit twice in a parking lot, id start going somewhere else. even Costco isn’t worth getting your car messed up

*holding a bag of stick on letters

For liability/safety reasons, some mechanic shops try to avoid having random people go under the lift, or even into the work area. They should let you take it to a different shop to inspect it though.

Five more questions they don’t want you to ask.
Whats that smell?
What’s that knocking sound, is it supposed to sound like that?
Why does it show letters on the odometer?
Why is there black tape on the instrument panel?
Why is the name of your business different from last week?

That makes sense, but state policy doesn’t always have to make sense, or follow the best interests of the country (example, Russia)

Can’t help noticing you said harsh, but didn’t say untrue

I hope the insurance companies get together and take the kia boys into court for their part in this

I used to have an alarm that would cause the key fob to sound if something hit the car. Once it went off, and I walked over to the window to see someone had thrown their door into my car. I walked out and saw a big dent in the door, so I threw my full sized door into theirs as hard as I could

It says they were attached with suction cups, so they will just get a different color spot on the paint after a while. Also, who would want to drive around with your car looking like that? Blue painters tape can be used for a short time with no ill effects

Coming soon: “Sour Mash Orb gaming tournament”

I can beat that timetable with my proposed Costco sample return mission.

Today, that dude works at JetBlue! (probably)

The opposite of a Pasteurist

It doesn’t say, but this was Superfog, so probably faster than a speeding bullet.

“that last battle must have aged everyone up somehow”

That would have been awesome, I wish it was that instead

Can’t exactly pull off the road there, you can’t always count on the car behind you stopping. The could have slowed down and put flashers on, but you cant always avoid a crash

Sovereign limousine ride to a special sovereign lodging at the local station

Just based on the video, he may have been thinking about slowing down, but may not have had a chance yet. If he had slowed down enough to make a difference, he may have caused a different accident from people behind his truck. It doesn’t look like he had time to prevent an accident, I dont think he had reason to

I am not usually a fan of handheld camera work, but I did not see a problem with it there. It made sense for the scene.