
Looks like he really got in the zone, Autozone

with it being florida, that’s probably not even the craziest thing the agent has heard about today

“If it wasn’t for bad luck, Florida man wouldn’t have any luck at all”
“Looks to me like the bridge was in the wrong place”

I always thought that was a perfect video, the way you have a great view of the truck and trailer catching air together before they fall out of view.

Just don’t fall in to the ring of fire

Please never change

Used as a brainstorming tool, or for proofreading suggestions, it can be great. They used it for a second opinion, not as a replacement for a doctor.

I like the crown, and would consider buying one, but I am not sure if its a good or a bad thing that the name is one letter away from clown

This should have been expected after the spacecraft was sponsored by Five Guys french fry team

Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts

so your solution is handmaids tale

they look different to me, but I lived by a ford dealership, so I would see mustangs all the time.

medski will fight to the finitch to make this point

You should get it engraved on a dog tag to carry around

Hopefully they can use all the work they put into it for something

I am imagining Tom Nook getting people to somehow owe him a lot of Lego bricks

That’s more a reflection on the people who were telling it to do that than on the technology. Stuff like this just means they will put more roadblocks in place for people who just want normal AI art, like Darth Vader eating broccoli

But is it more human than human?

If she is his sponsor, would he have problems if he didn’t talk to her again? Not saying he should, just curious

I would imagine talking about the long game would be useful when trying to raise funds after decisions with objectively poor results