I, a 25 year old man, am still that little girl.
I, a 25 year old man, am still that little girl.
How about a little music while we're watching:
I'm not entirely sure which I found more terrifying, the needles shooting from the anemone tentacles or the passion that the scientist has for his job and the inescapable feeling that I should reevaluate my life.
Look at all the microscopic NOPE.
I liked this when I saw it, but then I liked this one better.
I was hoping they would take their cues from this one:
i don't get it.
You can feel better about the fact that literally millions of dollars have been donated to the ALS Association because of the publicity from this challenge. This incredibly poorly researched article doesn't mention this, nor does it mention the fact that the challenge was started by Pete Frates, a Boston College grad…
You should invite that guy often to review old Gadgets.
It ain't easy to write good html or css okay! Backend people usually fuck up beautifully written html and css code.
They may have star power but the folks in the original photo committed to the premise better.
I don't believe in teasing. It pisses me off. I don't have time to be teased and I assume people's time is as limited as mine. I want people to look at the Sploid homepage and be able to tell what the story is without having to click through. Once or twice you can be playful, if there's a reason, but the norm should…
My favorite- Drax: "Nothing goes over my head. I am too fast. I would catch it."
Hoooo boy.
The fact that this isn't an article about Karl Pilkington playing video games greatly saddens me.
1) Click link
Here's a YES from me. Just give me a helmet and a Portal gun.