
This awful awful movie demands that you don’t ask this sort of question and instead just applaud at the screen that JJ chose to validate the four years you spent on Reddit playing “What if?” about Rey’s parentage.

Wow did you get the shitty Star Wars movie you deserve, or what?


America is fucked when “Fascism is bad” is polarizing.

This is the dumbest story of Trump’s Presidency.

VAR really did cost us all a lot here: A Coutinho Golazo from four yards out and Brazil beating Venezuela for a 22nd time against 2 draws and 2 losses.

Just like the Tottenham-City UCL Quarterfinal that inspired the headline, “VAR Will Ruin Everything,” it’s almost like this game shows that VAR isn’t horrible enough to ruin or even significantly detract from a great game that’s worth watching.

Isn’t there something to be said against sovereign wealth infiltrating and upending professional sports in general, regardless of what sort of sovereignty we’re talking about? And isn’t there anything to be said against athletes who choose to work in service of garbage countries run by garbage people, as breathtaking

Poop all over the pacing and the writing and the character choices of the last two seasons. They deserve to be pooped on thrice over.

What you’ve laid out, as best as I can tell, is a belief that, because Daenerys has killed people before, we shouldn’t be surprised that she’s a lunatic who’s capable of leveling an entire city full of innocent people (which has already surrendered, to boot). I just don’t buy it.

There was something to be gained from the Khals: an army. And the Khals are soldiers who live and die by a might-is-right philosophy.

You just ran off a list of people who had either deeply personally wronged her or were actively working to undermine, if not kill her. And then you got to the one million civilians she just killed after a battle was already won and the city surrendered.

Dany has endured trauma the entire time this show has been going on. None of how she reacted to any of it even hinted toward the possibility that her humanity and sanity going completely out the window was on the table to a point where she could conceivably kill a million civilians after a fight was already won. There

My problems with it isn’t that it happened, it’s how it happened.

You don’t survive a 3-0 away first leg too often.

I was tied up all day with a family event the day of last year’s Champions League Final. I’m a huge Liverpool fan, so I was very upset about missing the game. I DVR’d it.

“Conservatives and republicans can’t be funny, because they are not generous enough to give us the gift of laughter.”

“Maybe you want to live in a world where leagues leverage replay technology as often as possible to prevent such injustices from happening, but does that leave you with a sport worth watching?”

I feel like this happens to Chelsea every 4-5 years and they always find a way to get around it.

I never thought I’d say this when I was a kid, but Jesus. CHRIST I want Maryland, DC, and Virginia to tell him to go fuck himself so he moves the team and I get to have no hang-ups about picking a new one.