
Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

4 years late to the party and binge watching & reading these recaps before the next episode. The next title should read, "P.S. Your An Idiot"

Dassey's incompetent court appointed attorney reminded me of Austin Pendleton, the stuttering court appointed defense attorney in My Cousin Vinny.
This guy:

Goodwin was his guest the night before.

He should know better trying his manipulative BS on a professional.

"Computer Repair witha Smile!"

Giving BCS a run for the money.

Isn't Sec. Larson a more believable lady's man than Sec. Kissinger was? For some women, power is the ultimate aphrodisiac, apparently.

I just DVR the show and start watching 15-20 past the hour and fast forward through the commercials. Much better than losing the flow.

Drug dealers only need live camera surveillance to monitor entry. Not sure why they'd want to keep a video history around for police to find.

The little "family" speech Donnie laid on Jason while sitting in the black Hummer in Pouchie's parking lot was pure Walter White.

Even stranger than eating his Jizzybun with a knife and fork was the pathetic fact that he was enjoying his "meal" while riding the AirTram shuttle between gates at the Atlanta Airport.

A clearer thinking Sarah would have given Rudy a few more whacks with the shovel and buried him in that conveniently pre-dug hole she just climbed out from. But then that would have shortened the narrative significantly. Wondering how many more episodes Rudy has before Helena does him in.

Would it be too weird to see Helena using Frankencastor Parsons' skull cap as a cereal bowl?

Alison to Donnie, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Why are you sweatier than usual?"

I think I'd lay down another 4 or 5 inch layer of concrete over the entire garage floor before putting the house on the market.

Guns vs. butter. Memories of Econ 101.

So, is there any significance to the "Xs" Felix painted over the Sarah's eyes in her portrait to Rudy painting red "Xs"'over his own eyes?