

Ox liver, Helena's favorite.

It should be pointed out that Tatiana voiced the scorpion.

Will Rachel be sporting a new eye patch after her encounter with the business end of that pencil? Or, maybe the neolutionists will just grow her a new eye.

Let's hope performing the "Chicago Sunroof" doesn't become a thing among idiot BCS fans like certain "Hey, let's drive by the house where Walter White lived and throw a pizza on the roof" asshole fans of BB have been doing.

I really expected Chuck would just drop dead at some point this season and that would be the catalyst for Jimmy's transformation into Saul. Sure glad I was wrong.
In Breaking Bad, I don't recall any reference to Chuck, so I'm still guessing Chuck's days are numbered.

Robert Sanchez, Wanted Poster guy in the Bingo (E7) opening and also made an appearance in the restaurant bathroom scene, was the third muscle man with Mike in this episode, I believe.

Chuck really cut Jimmy to the bone with…

Considered to be armed and dangerous. Wanted for Grand Theft, Auto.

Yep, 💯

Felix and Oscar sure are an odd couple of cats.

Couldn't help noticing the big bearded dude in the diner bathroom scene was one of the wanted men directly above Jimmy's head in the opening, Robert Sanchez, Considered to be Armed and Dangerous, Wanted for Grand Theft Auto. (Re-watched the opening to confirm.) Future client, perhaps?


I know a guy who knows a guy. And so the Saul and Mike bond begins.

The virus took out all the insects. I wouldn't expect to hold this show to closely to any laws of nature. After all, where are all the rotting corpses? Or, maybe the show will take a zombie turn at some point.

For those who DVRed the show, would anyone else admit to fast-forwarding to the ends of both tooth-pulling scenes? I was eating dinner, fer christsakes.

9/11 was on a Tuesday and Homeland is a Sunday show, thus the Sept 9th reference. Amirite?

The episodes of Homeland on Showtime and The Newsroom airing at the same time on HBO were arguably the best of their respective series. Thank goodness for the DVR.