Rum Raisin Vendor

Thomas Mann's "The Magic Mountain," Bryan Fuller's "Hannibal," and pretty much anything that Harold Bloom writes nowadays always manages to hit my sweet spot perfectly.

It's always the government. Either that or lupus.

That guy, crazy like a fox.

Meanwhile, Frank gets saddled with the "youthful misdemeanor" fedora.

The Disney overlords are very particular about their covers.

I haven't kept up with Marvel for some time now, but I'm really liking Captain Marvel's design. That, and I'm just an overall sucker for a woman in uniform.

His cocaine says keep away, but his eyes say come hither.

Just retrieve the sports almanac and everything will be fine.

I'll tell you one thing that didn't die but should have: chicken.

Episode ten will consist of Bran tapping into his newfound knowledge and gaining a glimpse of Martin in his writer's study, page upon page of undelivered manuscript surrounding him in dirty stacks. There will be a close up of Martin's face, whereupon he'll stare ghoulishly back at viewers for fifty minutes. Calling it

Spoiler Alert: Luke loses both hands.

Passion for antiquities, hm? Show me the tablet leading to the Valley of the Crescent Moon and then we'll talk.

But if you count every seventh letter, divide them by the length of the shadow cast by the Tower of Joy on midsummer's eve, the message clearly reads: "Hold the door."

I laughed when Asha summed up Theon's recent torments as "a few bad years."

It's a guilty pleasure at best.

You're not the boss of me!

Watching "Silence of the Lambs" led me to seek out Bach's Goldberg Variations, and pretty much sparked an interest in classical music in general. Still on the fence about the cannibalism though.

My first thought was, Barsanti lied in every word.

I'm sure Judy would be happy to serve as his replacement on the show.

Needs more opium and less Johnny Depp. Oh wait…