Rum Raisin Vendor

As soon as I saw that, her "Eskimo Joe" selection suddenly made a lot more sense.

Hey Cruz, say hi to your mom for me.

It's absolutely disgusting that this is occurring, but unfortunately not terribly surprising. Thanks for the info, it's very much appreciated.

So "Can of Worms" gets bumped but that god-awful "Horse Sense" stays on? I curse the Disney overlords even unto their last franchise.

Good night, Washington!

Have a chocolate!

If he just gives them the Heart of the Ocean, I'm sure all this can be cleared up.

Since the Vilnius Schoolmaster was already taken, I have to go with Karla. Someone who can go toe to toe with George Smiley is not someone easily looked down on.

As long as they keep the imprisonment and subsequent domination by sadistic sirens part from the classic '82 storyline, it should be fine. Oh wait, we're talking about Aquaman…

*George R.R. Martin hears sounds of an impending Internet kerfuffle, immediately turns off DOS to join in*

*clutches Blu-ray complete series box-set* The fiends! But seriously, when NBC moved it to Saturday nights, it was already mostly dead.

But will there be vengeance in the night?

For me, Colbert holds the title of best talk show host, but Conan retains that of the funniest. It doesn't hurt that he's got Andy Richter to play straight man to his pasty-faced antics.

I look forward to Helga waxing poetic again over the beauties of that misshapen head.

"There's no A.V. Club; there's just Duracell and Univision."

I guess Stamos decided not to have mercy on our souls.

I"ll miss this glorious man. "The Name of the Rose" and "Foucault's Pendulum" remain deeply treasured volumes in my personal library, and if nothing else, I remain indebted to him for blowing my teenage mind when I stumbled across them.

I'm more of a Mads Mikkelsen/Me/Daniel Craig fan, but I commend your design.

Bruce & Diana, because damn if those Justice League episodes didn't set my young brain whirling.

Tell me more about this seduction by a hot goddess from another time…