An oiled Pita is tastier
An oiled Pita is tastier
Pita got so much oil everybody gonna wanna drill him
Magary is whiter than the ghost of Christmas. What the fuck man. Do you live under the banister and only come out at night?
I guess this is how Thanksgiving is at the Brady household
You french your dog?
The Floyds are gonna be really pissed at your comment ... once someone reads it to them
#Metoo Mayweather style
It is a sentient alien life form that apparently hates air travel
Draymond Green Was Is A Dick To ESPN’s Brian Windhorst For No Good Reason
Well it is quite possible that he is dumb.
What has law got to do with this? I did not say he should be jailed for his views. I said if people hold hateful views it is entirely appropriate to socially ostracize them. Also the foundations of most laws are based on a moral/ethical code.
Do you deny morality is a thing? Holding hateful views is immoral. Period. Especially given this country’s history of racial hatred and crimes against minorities and people of color. Morality is not only the preserve of the religious right. And why do you call him a nutjob? Don’t excuse his hate by labeling him a nut.…
He can believe (and endorse) every far right conspiracy theory he encounters. My point is that he can’t do that as also be counted as a respectable member of society. His contention is that we can’t judge him for the things he has openly said or endorsed on social media, which is just fucking stupid. If he didn’t…
Exactly. Saying stupid shit and then doubling down on it does not make anyone admirable for their supposed bravery. It only confirms their stupidity. When you say or agree with stupid shit you either apologize (and maybe folks forgive you, maybe) or you double down (in which case you get ostracized).
No one has the “right” to anything. This is some hypothetical American liberty bullshit doctrine that does not work in the real world. Someone can hold hateful views sure. But that means they become social pariahs and are reduced to hanging out with like minded idiots. Tennys (stupid fucking name that) wants it both…
The victim complex is strong with this one.
It is all simple. Fake Lefty News always shows Blacks and Muslims as victims so the libtards can give free stuff (cell phones, cars, jewelry and such) to inner city thugs and welfare queens so that they can follow the secret orders of Barack “Hussein” Obama, George (jew-y) Soros, and Al (barf) Sharpton to trade such…
The apple did not fall far from the tree.
Looking at Chris here, he appears to be the link between Homo Sapien and Homo Neanderthals.
Starred for the term Internet Sheep. That is a quality insult.