Rum Raisin

I hear salmon is a closet grouper

Unrelated but I hate the dimpled tie. It drives me into a murderous rage. This guy has the perfect dimpled tie so he must be a certified American asshole. Those are the worst kind of assholes.

Spoiler alert. He died

It was spiked with Labatt Blue, buddy

Ah-ha yeah, yeah (wink)

His election was all an elaborate ruse to actually inspire and make Tiger tiger again.

This is a fair critique

What double standards? Deadspin is irreverent, (frequently) obscene and firmly liberal. They also have some charming communists like HamNo. Making fun of Trump (deservedly) is expected, if not demanded.

“America’s anti-Russia paranoia”

Vlad’s buddy is the American President and the MAGA-foaming-at-the-mouth types love him and Russia. Plus as you say they interfered with our election in a massive way to favor Donny. A little paranoia might be very valid here.

It’s all the Russians

Ok Sherlock before you fired this off did you consider that Donny started this? Did anyone from Time say anything?

Yeah but what would be better is if the rumored piss tape took him out first. I would kill to see Paul Ryan and McConnell try to explain that one. Fitting finish to this farce.

“Something similar” is a stretchable term for Donny’s fans

Crashing the dog party. Cats rule!

Raw onions are a great and tasty garnish to Mexican food. Unrelated but caramilized onions are the best thing (esp as a base for sauces or gravies). And onion rings are the best fried food in my opinion. I don’t get the onion hate.

Who is feeding onions to monkeys? Or is this some meta joke I am not getting?

I’m guessing they stop reading after “copulate faster”

Trump not being able to get legislation passed is a good thing. I wish him continued success with failing to get any Republican wet dream legislation through.

Another Goodell clone fostered by assholes like Jones and Snyder.