Rum Raisin

Exactly. If it makes JJ unhappy I am team Roger. The problem with the NFL are the asshole owners like JJ and Snyder. Changing Rog will do nothing to fix that. He is just the front piece.

These guys are vicious ... they would fight with broken beer bottles and their teeth. Now there is a PPV I would buy

Rich people are rarely happy

They should just gather together and group fuck each other.


Next White House Press secretary: LaVar Ball. #NEVERLOST!

Pretty much all that needs to be said.

This is good :D

Are the owners displeased or just Jerruh? Seems like an ego struggle between two assholes - one passive-aggressive and the other aggressive-aggressive. Can they both lose and take out each other? One can only wish.

That is how they get so much money. They did not become this rich by writing a lot of checks.

At least CK has the decency to apologize after

Jerry Jones who wanted to ban players for kneeling is never anyone to root for. He is an unadulterated shithead.

Constantly being considered a playoff threat (for most of the 14 years) and winning two superbowls is not wildly successful? He has the same number of rings as his older (and vastly better) brother whose decaying carcass was dragged by a stellar defense to a second one. Eli was a stud in both his superbowl

If you disregard a player’s best performances, he is of course gonna look bad. I know you are a salty Patriots fan and the loss hurt. But snark aside, Eli has been a good but not great QB. Which is fine. Great QBs like Brady, Peyton etc. are rare.

Have we considered he knows what happened to the Titanic and was just being ironic?

The Giants are the new Jets. Who are still the old Jets. God New York sports fandom sucks

Inspired by Coach’s “um”, Manning fired up the troops by muttering “Huh, Durrrrrr”

If the shooter is male and white it is always mental health. If the shooter is black, it is thuggish rap culture. If the shooter is brown, we must deport all immigrants and attack a new middle east nation. These are the rules.

Freedom of speech does not mean you get to misrepresent what others are doing. The player protesting have made it clear they are not disrespecting the flag and soldiers. They are protesting police brutality. You can disagree with their protest. You can say as much. You can decline to accept an honor for that reason

[start rant] Nooooo....everything is about MEEEEE. I voluntarily enlisted in the Armed Forces. Now everyone has to suck my dick and pander to me all my life [rant over]