Rum Raisin

Exactly. He could have just declined if his feelings were so hurt but some players protesting black people getting shot by cops. But no he has to insert himself into the mix and utter all the bullshit about disrespecting troops which no one is doing. Fuck this self important asshole.

I like how he jumped back as if he got shot!

They always come up with these folksy mom and pop bullshit stories to further their agenda. Their tax cut for the rich appeals are always about some mythical fairness. All the while they ignore the reality that poor people are paying all kinds of taxes (payroll taxes, indirect taxes, etc.). They want people to forget

Easy there dj. Did you miss the part when I said “inexplicably”? In general prices go up - you may have heard of a thing called inflation. The more you know.

The U.S. analogy is more like the really rich guy owns the bar so he gets all the cash. Meanwhile, everyone is addicted to alcohol and are helpless victims. The rich guy (via the bar owner) insists people have to pay more. Since the 4 poor guys have no money they have to work for their beer. The rich guy then uses the

I like the part where the bar owner inexplicably reduces the cost by $20. Only in conservative economics do business owners for no apparent reason reduce their profits.

Beathard can’t even suck right

Read this joke somewhere:

Heil Mussolini

They could care ... for a price.

Well I am not a woman and I cannot speculate on your (and other women’s) experiences. I understand that sexual violence is a huge problem in society. Also I am not saying that your personal choices will protect you. I know modest clothing etc. will not stop a determined predator (just as good behavior will not stop a

Respectfully, I don’t see the converse argument. I just responded to another commentator on the same lines. As a POC I have grown my whole life learning to behave in certain ways to avoid/minimize negative outcomes. It does not make it fair and fairness in society is something we should strive for. But are we saying

She was history’s greatest monster for a day or two, so yes there was very much an attempt to shut her up. And it succeeded.

Why is it either-or? As far as I understood, Bialik did not discredit collective active or change. She was just (somewhat inarticulately) trying to say that women are not always powerless and can set certain boundaries themselves. Why is that not empowering? It was very depressing to see how folks jumped all over her

No need to analyze this dude. He is a homophobic dumbass. And thankfully unemployed.

Damn this pc culture. I remember the good old days when people could be themselves. I mean you can’t even write racial slurs in excrement anymore without being accused of racism! It is all very depressing.

Where the white wimmen at?

Ha ha, I love how the cop moves a bit away as this Aryan athlete tries his vault. Cop is like “nah, we don’t need to move to apprehend this turd, he is going to self concuss anyways”

Look the Ayn Rand fan shows up to defend the honor of Nazis.