Rum Raisin

Or the dick. Call me an innovator

Don’t forget neutering

Women can abuse too. The appropriate response is not to cordon off men and women. It is to reform institutions, put in place checks (esp where children are involved) and make sure people can speak out about inappropriate behavior without fear of retaliation. It is not easy or fool proof but then what is?

It is not just women. Countless young boys and men were also sexually assulated and abused (catholic priest scandal, penn state et all) and remained quiet. Chronic abusers and predators use their position of power or authority to abuse, shame and silence their victims.

Skip Bayless: McKayla’s abuse, if true, is an outrage. But what is worse is LeBron’s continued abuse of the game of basketball.

It’s old school natural selection at work

He makes the difficult look effortless. What a transcendental talent!

They don’t derail his agenda. They try to control and manage his worst impulses to react and do something really stupid (versus the ordinary stupid that is this nightmarish Presidency). But they are on board with his overall agenda. Mattis and Kelly went on shows to defend his “good people on both sides” comment.

I think you overestimate the bonafides of group two. It is all a bunch of opportunists trying to get their pet agendas passed. Anyone with half a brain who spends 5 secs with Lord Cheeto knows he/she is dealing with an insane child. The fact that they still stick around and work for his “agenda” shows them to be the

There is a saying that a fool always finds a greater fool to admire him.

It would be much more fitting if jerry accidentally slipped, fell from his owners box smashing the glass (with shards embedded in his thick skull) and then got impaled on a flag pole. Then with his dying breath he saluted the flag than ended his life.

It’s about control. Jerry and his fellow billionaires like their modern gladiators to be obedient. Sure some of them can beat up women and be violent. Boys will be boys. But disobey the boss? No, there is zero tolerance for that.

The white power structure will not even let black men (and some well meaning white men and women as well) peacefully protest police brutality. They can’t even have that. No, the whole thing must be hijacked and turned into an ugly competition of faux patriotism.

What do gun rights have to do with football? Why nothing at all. But talking about football, kneeling and the flag sure beats talking about what happened in Vegas. Make Americans go all ‘Murica (sob) and they forget everything. Short attention spans and all. Plus dumb. And on to the next mass carnage.

Rwy’n drist iawn

Just need some grease

Yeah. Fuck that guy. It makes sense that the head honcho of the Cowboys is biggest shitbag of them all.

They are failing because they are incapable of governing. To govern and pass legislation people have to compromise. And compromise is a dirty word for the extremists Republican voters have elected over the past few years. Case in point pretty soon Roy Moore will be a U.S. Senator and have a veto on all legislation.

He/she is lying. Don’t bother arguing with the troll.

Don’t bother. He/she is lying. No one’s premium tripled.