Rum Raisin

Then pay the damn penalty and go without health insurance. Oh, and I don’t believe you.

Neither side has outlined an effective plan? Really? Why bother to read anything when you are settle into the comfortable blame-both-sides narrative.

This is not correct. If they didn’t want to gut Obamacare they would not have tried as many times as they did even with the universal opposition from all. The GOP money bags want to destroy Obamacare and they don’t give a shit about the collateral damages. Don’t kid yourself.

Maybe true of other Republicans. But Trump is Trump. He has no lasting morals or beliefs. If he feels he will get adulation and applause, he might even support universal coverage. Didn’t he favor that in the past? The man (or manlike life form) has been on both sides of everything.

She starts by saying it shouldn’t be dwelled upon and then spends the whole article dwelling upon it.

I did not yell at anyone or said anything about the depth of Kaur’s poetry. I said that you can dislike someone’s work (and say so) but at the same time not resort to name calling and making personal attacks. Before you jump in and start shooting off make sure to follow the thread of the conversation.

Let us examine Ms. Alder’s words:

Do you even hear yourself? Ms. Kaur is destroying poetry? Wow, get a grip. You guys are taking this way too seriously. Ms. Kaur wrote some stuff on the net and accidentally got famous. Good for her. You don’t like her work? It is easily avoided. She is not taking anything away from you or other aspiring poets.

I don’t have to explain the obvious. Let us just agree to disagree.

Let someone call you a dunce to your face and I’ll see how you handle the “criticism”. You can’t even handle a contrary view on blog comment without getting your feelings hurt.

My reaction might be non typical. But it was in response to Ms. Adler’s post. Her reaction is also non typical unless you are telling me that she writes sneering reviews (ripe with insults) every time Mr. Brown publishes another bestseller.

No sorry, it does not follow for me. Ms. Adler went beyond critiquing Kaur’s work and made this personal. Which is weird. That all the commentators here are joining in shaming and laughing at Kaur is even worse. If I could make a fortune writing shit poetry or whatever, I would. And so would every “smart” commentator

It’s is wrong to say Americans are not united. America’s inherent racism unites the whole country.

Her poetry might be vapid but Ms. Adler is hating on her because she is popular. Most popular things are shit. Why is this a surprise? Whatever your views on Ms. Kaur’s poetry (and I don’t like it) calling her names is beyond the pale. It’s not enough for Ms. Adler to dislike her poetry or call it bad (which she can

Well Missouri is in America so uh yes.

Yeah those Browns, Eagles, Patriots, Jets, Bills, Raiders, Falcons, etc. etc. fans are the models of racial enlightenment.

Fuck this article. It pains you to see her book at the forefront of poetry? Does it also pain you to see Dan Brown’s Origin as Amazon’s number 1 best seller? Does it inspire you to write 1,000 word articles about the literary merits of whatever the fuck Brown’s shit book is about? Did it pain you that the highest

She called her a dunce. That is a very personal attack

Ok criticize her work then. Call it vapid whatever. But why call her a dunce? That is personal and vile.

Jeets likes some butt play