Rum Raisin

I’d love to take a public beating for $34 million/year. In fact I will do it for a half of that. You could be totally mean to me.

Blood is thicker than water

if Daddy is Prez for his full term, there won’t be anything left in a few years. So we are safe

Why not both? It’s like choosing between syphilis and gonorrhea.

Shelly is THE cancer.

These are the Trump voter base

Nope, not mad. We just feel a bit sad for you.

Why would you expect a professional sports team owned by some rich billionaire to be loyal to you because you buy their jersey every now and then? It’s not at all analogous to expecting loyalty from your freaking wife or girlfriend.

Cuz there are a lot of stupid people

As always

Let us just agree to disagree. Couple of points and pardon for the lost post:

The way to get there is via public funding of candidates and elections. To win candidates need money which is how they get beholden to money and corporate interests. No matter who loses, Goldman Sachs and their brethren always win. The vicious cycle keeps perpetuating.

You make it out to be as if Trump’s election was some master plan hatched in GOP HQ. The Republican establishment tried to stop Trump but their frenzied primary voters proved uncontrollable. In the general Trump blundered around bullshitting and insulting, he had zero ground game, zero organization and when despite

It baffles me that they folks act as if they have no choice. Oh I hate this bad team with a racist name, a shitbag money grubbing owner, bad gm, yada, yada, but I have no choice!!! Sob. Yes, you do. Stop being a fan of the damn team, adopt another or if you have half a brain, stop spending so much time and money being

I for one don’t think it would have been that much different. Would have been slightly better but Lincoln was magnanimous by nature. And magnanimity never works with the hardcore racists.

Hitler is more recent and in the living memory of many people as the epitome of evil. So it’s not really similar. If Hitler were born and lived 200-300 years before his time, and had he done the same sort of horror, I can bet you there’d be monuments to him and Hitlerstrasses in every German city. Our ideas about

Maybe there needs to be a Yas Vashem for slavery. A place where people can go and be faced with its real horror and evil. These people are just acting as if it was an old and universal thing, kinda bad but it’s over so why bring it up, old history, my grandpappy was teh best ... People need to be confronted with the

No, in my opinion it’s better now since the events transpired now. It’s not a burn, it’s taking a stand. Every fair minded American must reject Trump and boycott the White House till his Orange Ass resides there. How many people can Trump disinvite? At this rate the only one willing to visit the White House and take

We live in amazing times where millionaire basketball players speak with greater moral clarity than the current POTUS.

You mean Lincoln? Yes of course. He openly held that black people were inferior. Also he wasn’t any profile in courage when he came to power. He was willing to let the South keep its slaves to avoid conflict. It is only when his hand was forced that he developed the courage to lead the battle against slavery and end