Rum Raisin

You people lack basic reading comprehension. All you want is to be outraged. so enjoy your outrage

And what group would that be?? Do you think every minimum wage worker in CA and WA voted for Hillary? It is as if you make your own reality.

And you are full of hate and contempt. Just listen to yourself. I have been contributing my time and money to Democratic candidates since before you were probably born. I have knocked doors for Obama (enthusiastically) and for Hillary (less so). I have fought with friends and relatives trying to convince them to

Fuck you and your bullshit. I don’t need your approval. You sit in your suburban house and think you know all about race? I grew up in a poor neighborhood full of black and brown faces. These are my friends, relatives and neighbors. I don’t need a race lecture from you.

And where have I disagreed with any of that? I am responding the the OP who implied that if you voted Trump you are racist scum by association. I don’t have any problem with your more nuanced take.

I don’t know but “almost certainly racist” seems a pretty strong phrase to use. You want to have it both ways - say he is almost certainly racist but get away from it because you used a qualifier. But whatever. Y’all are saying (and I believe you concur) that because Trump is a vile racist anyone who supported him

And no one you know voted Trump? I have read many personal stories of people on this blog whose parents, grandparents etc. voted Trump. Do you stop loving them? Talking to them? What form of social ostracism is appropriate for their support of (what both us agree is) a sexist racist pig of a man?

Now who is making it personal? I don’t need your subjective judgement about my relative lost-ness. Again, respectfully you don’t know much about the world you are making very wide judgments about.

There is some truth to this. I don’t think all immigrants are super racist. But often blue collar working class people compete directly with illegal immigrants for the same jobs. And that does factor in their attitudes. There is also a crab “i got mine” mentality. But in any case, given how horrendous Republican

I am really not. I have openly called these family members stupid. Does that sound like I am taking it personally? 

Taxi man was clearly bigoted against Muslims but Muslims is not a race. And I don’t think he was a citizen. Point is that people are not very rational and can sometimes seem to vote against their own interests. Even despite his misogynistic and anti-Latino statements and actions, almost 25-30% of Hispanic women voted

You read but you don’t really listen do you? Anyway, this is time wasted. In your mind you must feel you are the best person in America. Please take your proverbial cookie.

You might be right they could be racist. As HamNo wrote almost everyone is a little racist. But they are not Alt-Right racist. They don’t display swastikas or quote approvingly from Mein Kampf or the Protocols of Zion. The problem is that if you don’t don’t make a distinction and apply wide generalizations for a

Jesus, do you even hear yourself talk? I can’t even engage with your sanctimonious sermon. Do you know what it means to make just barely enough to get by? To live paycheck to paycheck? To live in constant fear of losing your job and have your family on the street? I am not white and neither are most of my relatives.

I am not sure what you mean “alleged”- are you implying I am lying about my relatives? More substantively, these people bought into Trump’s bullshit. Their economic anxieties were obviously not addressed by Hillary. They considered Hillary a Washington insider and the Wall Street candidate who would sell them out

Fox News has lost all credibility and they are losing viewers. Their stars are one by one being all outed as closet molesters. The closer they tie themselves to Trump, the more they will self destruct with him. I want them to drop all remaining pretense and support the Orange one 100 percent.

Some very brown people in my extended family openly supported him. Were they voting Trump due to racism? No. They were mainly voting for him because (besides being stupid) they thought Trump cared about their economic concerns. They were all immigrant working class people who have never voted Republican. Not to

It depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to be pure and right, then sure. If you want to win elections and enact progressive policies then you need to tone down some of that outrage. I am not saying it is not valid although I do not agree completely. But to me winning elections necessitates building

It was tongue in cheek. I think MJ was trolling anyways and does not really believe this.

In America money talks. Money is the way to respectability. If black families on average earned about the same as whites, then things would change for the better. Not 100 percent of course. The legacy of racial discrimination is not going to just disappear just like that (and might never). But it would lessen.