Rum Raisin

Maybe but I think this line of argument wins team liberal no allies. The hardcore (and softcore) racists were always going to vote Trump. But a number of people (especially in the Rust belt) who historically voted Democratic voted Trump this time around due to economic anxiety and/or because he was an outsider and

Very astute observations Mr. Nolan. It is fundamentally about policy and that is the only way to actually do something about reducing systemic racism (versus jumping down some random white person’s throat if they let out the n word). But I want to push back on your general poverty alleviation strategy. Yes, black

now this is just silly. Tim Duncan? Are you rating off court lameness but then that makes sense

GOAT and noted asshole Micheal “Air” Jordan does.

I do believe there is a time that you have to fight with weapons. And maybe there will come such a time. But in my assessment this is not the time for it.

I am going to be respectful since the topic demands it. First, the death of a young woman is not a joke. Not right now. Not in the context of what happened. I might be a fool according to you but I’d rather be a fool and believe in that than be a cynical bastard. I am done “heckling” your splendid joke. Enjoy

Well pardon me then. To me fascist bastards are done because they are ignorant, vile, violent assholes. And ultimately all people of whatever color will not countenance that kind of hate. I’d like to believe that had this murderous butthole killed an equally beautiful black woman or man, we as a people would react

Yes it is time to pick a side and fight back. Not with torches, pipes and cars as these violent Alt-Right buttholes. But we have great examples like Dr. King of how to resist racism and bigotry, and violence. It is time for our generation to stand up.

I know you mean to be sarcastic but her death is a tragedy. She is martyr who died standing up for a just cause. Please don’t minimize her as just a pretty white lady.

It might be time to racially profile all white Christian males. I meant you never know

Someone died. It’s proper murder. By a terrorist

How else would Germany celebrate the highs? This freaking Ufnavy06 butthole is high.

He is an apologists for the Alt-Right scum. One person is dead, people are injured in a terrorist act committed by these degenerates. They are raising Nazi salutes and wearing Hitler shirts. And this guy’s main worry is that oh noes, let’s not call all of them racist.

Ummm National “Socialists” ...

Hindus have been saying the same things to the Nazis but they never listen

Logic is never the strong point of these people.

You are belaboring under a wrong impression that the entire Democratic Party is progressive and shares your policy priorities. I might but not entirely. For example I don’t know what more the Democrats can do to protect abortion other than win Presidential elections and make sure we don’t overturn the Court to

He is trolling. There is no way he is this bad. Fuck I haven’t boxed and even I am better at hitting a stationary bag. Conor used to box before and he has a strong punch. He is purposely making himself look clownishly bad so that when the actual fight happens (and he loses which he will but Trump won so who knows)

Because he is a loud mouth asshole?

i hatez Cardinalz