Rum Raisin

I know you mean well but all those things that you listed are just false choices. You want to frame it that way but it is fundamentally flawed. For or against is not the only two ways to look at anything. Democrats are left of center to left. There is a wide range of options there. Almost all Democrats favor a

Says the guy who claims to have been hosed by Obama. Nothing you fucking said in this thread makes sense. But do carry on...

Obama is gone. So you are gonna get raped by Trump and the GOP. And you seem to deserve it

Centrist isn’t a belief system. But to get shit done in a democracy like ours you have to get support from left and right. You have to build colalitions. Which necessitates compromises. There are people interested in being right and there are people who believe in governing. We see this in the Republican Party which

I gather you rather sit back and sanctimoniously talk about non existent choices. In the general the choice was Trump or Clinton. Objectively, subjectively, morally she was the only choice.

NY “Buttfumble” Jets: hold my beer!

Maybe a taste thing. Some people just don’t dig certain flavors. I love cumin and put it on anything and everything so I might be biased. But are you sure about nutmeg? Talk about a strong spice - it can take overpower any flavor. It is one of those spices where a hint of it is magical (make folks go what is THAT

I just finished arguing with another gentleman about this. In short, no. Cumin is a strong spice yes. But it is a lot more forgiving than say cloves or mace/nutmeg. It also depends on what you are seasoning. If it is something like lamb or beef, both can withstand a lot of cumin. If you are dusting your deviled

Mmmm ham

This is not funny. That poor kitty was terrified and this dingus picked him/her up like a sock.

Right after they finish jerking off to the cute interns

Being a dick is mandatory to be picked for a Fox News gig

That is your opinion but I respectfully disagree. Try to over season with nutmeg. You would need a tactical nuclear strike to re-balance that flavor. Coriander seeds are hollow and you really really need to crush and put a shit ton of it to completely overpower a dish. If someone is putting that much then they

The worst? No friend it is not the worst. There are spices way, way stronger than coriander seeds. For example mace/nutmeg, cloves, star anise... I could go on.

Respectfully, fuck off friend

Burneko wants to show off and name drop. It is basically stir fried lamb with cumin, chilli flakes and soy sauce. It is great but the point is cumin and lamb (or goat) is a marriage made in heaven. Xinjiang or no Xinjiang

Begs the question why are you smelling homeless people?

This is a bad take since this statement is true of all spices.

Cilantro aka coriander is a miracle herb. Its seeds are magical especially in combination with that other magical spice cumin. By insulting cilantro you are insulting my heritage, my father and my forefathers before him. I will fight for the honor of cilantro.

Cumin works with so many things that you didn’t think.