Rum Raisin

Not if you are making lamb burgers. Putting a bit of cumin in a lamb burger patty works. Trust me.

A brash UFC star or an asswipe boxing all time great

I don’t want to get too metaphysical here but we might be talking past each other. I hear what you are saying. But you appear to define the concept of good or bad from the perspective of an individual. Is this or that individual good/noble? What I am talking about is the choices and decisions people make. If those

I don’t think we are disagreeing. Less bad = relatively good within the context of the story. What I was (inarticulately) saying is that power and ruling transforms people. No one can be really good, heroic and noble. Power exacts a price and it changes even otherwise “good” people. GRRM appears to confirm that in

I was talking about the main characters who drive the story line and of degrees. I did not mean everyone is equally terrible. Of your list, I agree that Jon is noble but he has bent the rules. It is when he tries to be noble that he gets in trouble. Arya has transformed to a cold blooded murderer. She is exacting

What I was trying to say, somewhat inarticulately perhaps, is that most of high fantasy is presented as a conflict between the good/pure/unblemished and absolute evil. GoT is very different. Yes, there are terrible people like Ramsay, Euron and Joffrey before. But are things for the common folks/soldiers that much

no I don’t think so. He seems just a malevolent force with no shred of goodness. But maybe like Gollum he might have a big part to play in the final outcome.

Good points but one of the fascinating things about GRRM and GoT is the blurring of good and bad. Or more aptly no one is truly good. They are just different levels of bad much like humanity. At its core GoT is about people’s quest for power, sex, and the hunger to dominate. There are no real sympathetic

The penis goes where it wants to go. You just follow ...

lol. Looks more like a third (and slimmer) Ryan brother to me

+1 blood clot

You my friend are completely (yes completely) wrong. First, you should NEVER cook juicy burgers on a stupid grill with grates. All the juice just oozes down the huge gaps. You cook a freaking burger on a flat top or cast iron griddle. It sears the entire surface of the meat sealing the juices in.

Barack is from Hawaii.

Agree 100%. Most Americans start from the basic premise that Castro was the devil. And proceed. Castro may not be a good man and certainly has a lot of blood on his hand, but he has to be understood in the context of his time and as you mention the constant American efforts to undermine and kill him. He was not even

True but typical. Every bully is a coward at heart. Once you call their bluff it’s over. They revert to the sniveling shitstains they are.

I don’t know. This season is falling apart for me. It seems they are rushing through the important bits just to create dramatic tension. The Euron character is off putting to me and his sudden appearance and victories seem contrived just so that he can strut and wag his dick around. Dany seems like a power hungry

Wouldn’t a heavier bulkier Jones be slower? He would probably win but Lesnar is a beast and I doubt Jones would “destroy” him

MMA is trying their version of Mayweather-McGregor.

Thanks for saying this. It is not as if “the Mooch” turned like this over night. He has pretty much been an asshole all his life. And a Wall Street asshole who are the worst kinds of assholes. She knew who she married. Folks here are clapping for Deidre as if she is Mother Teresa.   

What McCain did as a PoW was admirable. I wish I could show half the courage he did. That he later turned to be a senile douche makes his downfall even sader