Rum Raisin

Why won’t it get a buzz? Folks are already talking about it. It is on Mexican independence day. Two very good fighters at their near peak. Think it will be a big fight.

You sir have bad taste and should feel bad.


True. But I rather take incompetent Trump than a half competent one.

The one good thing he might do is to break up the Republican Party. One can only hope.

People rarely own up to their mistakes. These polls are meaningless. I think a lot of Trump voters are having buyers regret but that is mostly cuz he has not been able to do all the crazy things he promised to. I rather have incompetent Trump soiling his pants daily than him do half of the stuff he ranted about.

Pence is not competent, just less incompetent. But then anyone is less incompetent than Donny

Trump is bad. Or as he might say very, very bad. Did you have doubts?

So what you are saying is that he is qualified to be President of the U.S.?

Prescription drugs are a hell of a drug.

All Trump wants is love and someone to stroke his ego. If the Democrats had any strategy they would keep telling him privately how much he is loved by all and how many people want him to leave a legacy of universal health care and a fairer tax code. It might seriously work.

Too sophisticated? I agree with the overall sentiment of your post but whatever the reason for him not using coke (if he doesn’t) it is not cuz its too gauche.

Unfortunately no. They wither away and get eaten by mice. That is what being in the MLS feels like

You know what happens to wounded lions.

The could have said the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. On an unrelated note, that Santa Fe fan is muy bueno

This displays Wile E. Coyote level of elaborate scheming and ineptitude. Meep, meep

Rasputin was a horse?

What happened to Rasputin’s dick and balls?

Kraft is even orange-ier than our Orange overlord. Is he trying to be the color of his eponymous cheese

Does he call her mommy when they do sexy-time? Wait, don’t answer that