You assume China has a lot of leverage with North doesn’t
You assume China has a lot of leverage with North doesn’t
You sound way too emotional over this. Maybe I don’t know all the truth but this version of yours where Israelis (not Jews, Israelis - there is a difference) are blameless is ridiculous. There is plenty of blame to go around in that part of the world. There is also an unfortunate radicalization of Israelis…
Europe has it fair share of street mob violence. I think where we outclass them is in mass shootings. The second amendment keeps us #1.
But what do you really want? $29 billion seems like such a nonsensical number I can’t even think of anything I could do...
That is what he does after he rubs one out as well
Someone mentioned this yesterday that the Europeans keep sniffing their noses at boorish violent Americans, but this stuff happens on a regular basis in soccer. Even the worst of the worst Bills or Raider fans don’t do this kind of shit.
Potato Po-Ta-to
Sounds a bit racy too
The Egyptians have a deal with Israel on that. It is a quid-pro-quo. And Isreal has effectively indirectly closed the Rafah Border Crossing. Again, I am not a Hamas supporter or anything like that. But Mr. Stephen’s contention that Gaza was vacated is misleading. The people there are desperate and hence they…
Geez you guys are tedious. Read up a little on how much control the Gaza government has on the border. It doesn’t.
I know well about the geography and history of the Middle East. You might be better served to read up on how much de-facto control the Palestinian government has on the Gaza-Egypt border (hint: 0%). That is why Hamas digs tunnels to funnel arms and weapons to Gaza from Egypt. Not that I am a Hamas supporter; I…
It all zen mastery. We mere mortals cannot under how the great master’s mind works.
I am pretty sure not vacated is the opposite of vacated. But then you find so much to agree with Mr. Stephens so I understand your confusion.
or just add “and got away with it”
That it is wrong. Israel never vacated the Gaza - they blockade the damn place and control all that goes in and out. It is like an open air prison. No wonder the people turned to extremists.
He always looked like a douche ... only seen him on teevee. Has that stupid smirk all the time. Good to hear that he is the ass clown I expected he was in real life to.
Of course he does. Money is how conservatives value people. No money, no value
Pat Buchanan but then he is a bit of a jew-hater.
The opinion pieces are shit (Douthat! Friedman!) but the Times does quality reporting. You should continue to subscribe. We need the damn truth - we can come to our own opinions.
Conservatives are all about group think. If you support this then you must also support (or oppose) that. Even the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party has more divergent views than a gathering of conservative thought leaders.