Rum Raisin

She is mine. Fight me

Two boobs


Fucker is a total money whore. I know from personal experience

Only from his cold dead tiny hands...

I don’t know. A think a good number of women (including other colors) voted for him because they hated women (Hillary). I don’t think racism was that big a factor. But Hillary hatred was a real thing with many women.

He wanted to make folks aware that you can sexually assault women and get away with it. Just like he has.

He is needlessly cruel and vindictive, and wants to un-Obama anything he can.

Eggplant is a wonderful underrated vegetable. Some other suggestions:

Ah, the ideal Christian family photo. Warms the heart.

But he knows this one guy at his bar who is terrified of blacks. So it must be true.

Indians are counted among Asians, not other race. India is a rather large country in Asia. Maybe you should not post things without knowing what you are talking about.

What exact world view of mine is being shattered here? There are some (some mind you) Republicans that are not racist as well. But what good does that do?

And what do you base on your conjecture on? I am not saying individual Indian Americans might not be bigoted, but as a group Indian Americans (and Asian Americans in general) regardless of their economic status are a solid Democratic voter base. Almost 70-75% of Indian Americans voted for Hillary.

Douche-hat might not approve, but he would very much like to watch.

Jokes aside this monumentally stupid and xenophobic ban is not even effective on its own (admittedly ineffectual) terms. The citizens of the two countries most involved in terrorist activities on U.S. soil - Saudi Arabia and Pakistan - are not on this list. I am not saying they should be; just that even from the

Love Stu. He is brilliant. A lot of what he says about the Conservatives and UKIP could apply to the GOP. I love one of his lines about political correctness. It was something like “the one thing political correctness has achieved is that the Conservative Party has to mask its inherent racism behind more creative

Eggs not spores. Belichick’s eggs. In 7-10 weeks there will be hybrid Belichick-LeBron hatchlings. Who will rule the sports world?

What is dead may never die