Rum Raisin

True but Ontario economically is pretty much half or more than half of Canada. I believe Quebec already has similar laws.

Tipping is a courtesy in certain sectors like the restaurant industry. It is not a substitute for earning fair wages. Depending on the subjective generosity of patrons is no way for a person to make a living.

Having a bad day Tom?

Jesus man, what is your literotica handle? Asking for a friend.

That would be a school in Florida.

That should be “assaulting” women and boasting about it gets you to the White House (and with 53 percent of the white women vote)

So fuck off.

I hope he could be reincarnated so that he could be killed again.

If the U.S. tax code taxed unrealized gains currently then this statement would be true. But it does not. Most of the wealth of the very wealthy are represented by unrealized gains in financial and real estate assets. Without an estate tax all this gain would never be taxed.

Double taxation in baked into every aspect of our tax code (notably the corporate tax). Why is the estate tax so different? The inheritors get a step up in basis in the assets received so if we don’t impose a tax on the estate, then effectively the built in gain will never get taxed. For example, if Daddy bought a

He might need a new set of balls as well.

Good lawd! Who kisses their daughter like that. Fucking wrinkly white men!

While a certain fancy dog was busy humping Trump’s leg

You win this one wall!

Oh wow. Your husband ... that is tough. But hopefully he will come around once he sees peak Trump.

You work every day and have bills to pay? You are really special that way. You brave man. Brave Dave.

Don’t worry about bridges. Don’t you have a wall to build?

I know that and I see the apathy all around me. Most people that I know are mildly disapproving of what Donny did. But hey its not my family or friends so why should I care? Donny and team are following the classic right wing power grab playbook. Find a suspicious minority, demonize them, and then use that to grab

Your guys stopped govt. over one guy getting a bj. So let us have this one. And I love the euphemism - separating people from their families/lives for no good reason other than they were born in a certain country is “inconvenience.”

Revolution. It is about damn time.