Rum Raisin

That has been the one bright spot. That so many people spontaneously showed up to protest. But i fear that Trump will cause so many daily outrages that the shocking will become the new normal, and people will just get used to the madness. That is how extremism took root in every country. Regular people just didn’t

Obama was supposedly playing 6th dimensional chess. Donny is playing whack-a-mole

What does the U.S. even stand for anymore? Land of the free and home of the brave? Not. Land of the scared shitless (Mooslims, brown people, Mexicans, Sikhs, whatever). And land of people that don’t care about the govt. taking all their civil rights away by executive order as long as it stops darkie foreigners. It

Yeah, but the last guy was black. And a communist. And a Muslim. And a Fascist. Maybe a Nazi too. Also black. Did you know he was black?

Now don’t make Donny fuhrerious

Cuz in America the rich folks sell us other stuff but fuck us for free. Call it sexual socialism.

Don’t feel bad. Nobody including the Wall Street bankers know how it works. Does that comfort you? I guess not but I got nothing else.

You had me at cognitive dissonance

For the same reasons that people play fantasy football.

Pre-election Trump supporter : Hate those blood sucking Wall Street bankers! Our supreme Cheeto overlord will bring them to their knees! He gonna drain the swamps.

Because I like sports and dislike conservatives. It is a win-win

I second that. It would also stop the tedious “but this is a sports blog” comments.

Call it the better of two bad choices. Pence (or Ryan) will be bad. Or maybe terrible is the right word. But Pence is not a crazy lunatic. Trump is a catastrophe for his nation. So that is our choice - catastrophe or just terrible?

I can’t make out if this is satire or a serious post. I hope it is the former but I get a feeling it is the latter.

My aren’t you an optimist. You think America will survive 8 years of Trump? I give it one year before kaboom

In addition, the business owner would outsource the $20 employee cost to India or Bangladesh, cut his expense down to $2. The additional $18 in savings would be spent thusly:

Very true.

I don’t think it is the hangover. But there is this perception that real “competitors” are laser focused on the coming challenge and not distracted with boating soirees. Or partying with the likes of Beebs (which seems to be a bad idea regardless of the time of year). I think it is bullshit. That said, OBL’s

with a cattle prod

I am wondering what happens when their Orange overlord cannot make good on any of his campaign promises? I am betting Donny starts another war. Nothing like a “patriotic” war to distract the rubes.