Why? This was perfect.
Why? This was perfect.
By getting involved and actually showing up to vote at the local and district level. Or putting your own hat in the ring if you think you have what it takes. Hillary (and by the way flawed as she is I never though she was the Lady Macbeth that so many on the left and right caricatured her as) didn’t just happen. She…
To start Trump is not conservative and the GOP is not a conservative party. They are all radicals. And racist. And sexist. And isolationist. This is not even Ronald Regan’s Republican party and that sunny turd did a lot of damage in his time. But compared to the current crop, Regan seems to the left of Hillary. …
I am not keeping it together. I am angry and I am upset. At many people and many things. We need this anger. Not a mob anger or an anger that leads to violence. But we have every right to be as angry as any of these racist and sexist pricks talking about taking their country back. We need productive anger. We…
By over-breeding. That is the theory. Their “pure” blood is being tarnished by race mingling. These guys are obsessed with breeding and keeping the white wimmen safe from those black and brown penises.
Are you kidding me? You sit in your nice (probably) urban or suburban pad and type platitudes about unity? Did the Republicans unite when Obama was elected and work with him? Millions of black and brown people and especially immigrants will be harassed, women’s reproductive rights will be imperiled, millions of…
Most of the middle class white Americans are racist. Deal with it.
Firstly, your boy won so stop the Hillary comparison bs. Now y’all can hold all the Kangaroo courts you want to re-re-re-investigate emailgate and BenGHAZIIII.
Progress! American style.
You don’t understand. For a lot of them the fact that the brunt of the (at least initial) damage will be borne by the darkies is enough. These bunch of reactionary bullies just want to hurt others to make themselves feel good.
How? This is not a trick question. But what do we do?
That is what the majority American voters wanted. It the “burn this mothaf**er up” approach.
Trump might use the Gita words too “I become death, the destroyer of worlds”
I have a Latino last name and look the part (I am actually mixed East Indian and Portuguese). I am brown and hence must be illegal/ Mexican/ rapist/whatever. The other day I had a bit of a traffic incident and the older white guy jumps out of his car and yells that I must be illegal. That was the first thing he said…
The greys are where I dwell...the power that be consign me here :)
I appreciate it. We need good people of all colors and persuasions standing together in the dark times which are sure to come. As a POC and a first generation immigrant (though an American citizen for a while now) this election was a lot more personal. I made a choice to become an American citizen and I was…
He is so right. It is like a surreal dream. Like waking up and finding your nice neighbor who waves and says hello daily as he walks his dog has no compunction voting with the grand wizard of the local KKK chapter. Oh sure, he has a better reason. Clinton sucks, emails, tax rates, etc. But everyone knew what this…
Who fucking cares? I hope every NBA team declines an invite from a Trump white house. The only way to react to be no part of of this administration. Let him be the President of white america. Its their fucking country, right? People with a conscience, white and certainly non-whites should have nothing to do with…
Keep dreaming. The GOP will be terrified of him and his supporters who are loyal to him and not to the GOP. They will never impeach him.