Rum Raisin

You kidding me? He has a huge mandate. He has put together a “white” coalition encompassing everyone from the grand wizard of the local KKK chapter to your nice friendly white neighbor who sometimes mows your lawn. He took on everyone and won. And without even trying or a strategy. Without holding back any of his

Bush was a decent man. He was dumber than a bag of rocks but not actively evil (Cheney is another story). Trump is both dumb and evil. And he has delusions of grandeur. We are so screwed.

A thousand times this. Hillary lost because a majority of whites (educated and uneducated) wanted to take “their country” back. And they are right in that it had been their country. The question for the rest of us (especially the darkies like me) is whether we want any part in this country.

No America will not survive Trump if his Presidency is anything close to his election rhetoric. We have all the levers of power in the hands of one party and pretty soon the Supreme Court will be stacked with GOP types as well. Americans have this notion that our country is special and somehow will sustain all.

But he doesn’t apparently doesn’t hate big breasted white preferably East European women immigrants.

But the classiest most luxurious bitch there is

You know he wanted to say bitch but his handlers probably reigned him in somehow. He must be frustrated with all the apparent restraint he is showing. I fully expect once he loses, he randomly tweet insults and swears (bitch, shit, cock, fuck, ...) for days.

Mr. Nolan is not really a liberal. He is an pseudo-commie poser who wouldn’t know Marxism if it bit him in the ass. He is a condescending ignoramus who is high on his own farts.

Fuck you (speaking as a tall midget)

That does not matter to Mr Nolan. Now if Schultz gives away all his wealth to the poors and then committed ritualistic seppuku, Mr. Nolan might reconsider. Maybe

Typical capitalist response! The proletariat shall rise ... and play kabbadi.

I was going with a perma-molting serpent like life form but yours is better.

Any kind of nationalism is. There are no worse scoundrels than nationalists.

You are numerically more, so there are more stupid white people. So you still win. Or lose.

The Nazis (Herman Goering in particular) sent out teams to Northern India to research the origin of the “pure Aryans” while butchering the Roma people (who most hold are descendants of migrants from India). Racist people can rationalize a lot of contradictions for sure.

Faith (especially the Hindu-Muslim divide) is the fault line of India in many ways that race (and especially the Black-White divide) is in the U.S. For the older generation, it is very personal and something they grew up with.

I am not so confident on the 7%. Again anecdotal but I heard a fair amount of support for him even among my kinda-sorta Indian-American (but mostly mongrel) family. I chalked it to cognitive dissonance or some such.

A fluffy Corgi :) Way too much win. This is my anti-Trump therapy for the day.

This is great. One correction: “giant orange primate with tiny digits ...”

Frankly among all these guys, I can’t decide which Republican cretin to hate the most.