
Sorry, just saw this. You are correct that the lake peaks in capacity in late May-Early June. That is largely because they stop flood control outflows since inflows slow during snowmelt and start filling for the water year. I get what you are saying, but they raise the lake deliberately at the end of spring.

Bruh. That’s quality, right there.

Fuck you guy.

Your information is terribly wrong. Peak outflow occurs in summer, inflow from Jan-April. The lake is down 150' from it’s current level in the summer.

I would bang the reporter chick. It’d be my first Asian. I think Korean is a safe choice.

LOL. Taking a knee is why his career is soon over. Yes.

His explanation is he left his playbook on his laptop, and some asshole swiped it.

Pearl Clutch level 10,000. You are why people vote for Trump. I hope you get hit by a garbage truck and die.

This is true.

Yes. Give them room to destroy.

Nah. They’re only doing it for the vine.

These tarts put me on goosh status. Excellent.