
Greene reportedly called Boebert a bitch in front of their colleagues during a spat over the pair’s dueling baseless measures to impeach Joe Biden.”

It’s a valid point. The benefits of remaining in a sorority if the sorority members don’t want you are sort of ... dubious.

I am not american so I don’t really understand all this fraternities and sororities stuff. Can someone explain to me why they would be kicked out of the sorority after they graduated and why it affects them? Is this a big deal  just so that it doesn’t happen to NB and trans people in the future or will this have an

Sorority groups have always been exclusionary. That is the entire purpose of the group. It provides status by being exclusive. Maybe the real question should be why such organizations are allowed to exist on campuses at all given all of the negative things we know about them. But getting mad over a sorority having an

You think non-binary means part of both binaries? That’s the polar opposite of what it means.

So... a student who does not identify as a woman is irate that they can’t be in an organization for women.

It is pretty funny that it didn’t occur to him that restaurants, for the vast majority of us, are places where we go to avoid having to cook.

Clearly this dude was a legacy applicant, for sure. Really poor timing to post this inane loser take less than a week after the SCOTUS banned affirmative action.

Why are rich people such dorky losers, why do they have money, and/or why do other people think they should have money at all?

It wasn’t exactly a study, but CO2 measurements in last year’s artist alley at AX put the CO2 levels over 1,400 ppm, which is high enough to cause lightheadedness and possibly fainting even in perfectly healthy people who have no breathing issues.

I haven’t done a con in years and although I miss some things, I do not miss the crud.

And one of the things we learned is that you can massively reduce the spread of airborne diseases by reducing crowd density and wearing masks when indoors, but we’ve decided just to ignore those things since they’re slight inconveniences.

I assume they were waiting in line for the maid cafe.

What worries me is the potential for a crowd crush to be triggered, which would be horrifying.

Does...does L.A. not have a fire marshal...?

Been warm in LA. I know it’s a trope at this point but I can only imagine the smell.

This is becoming a problem for at least one of the cons I go to every year. Pre-COVID it was getting really bad, to the point where it’s just miserable. Then COVID happened and they put attendance caps the first year back, and I had the best time in years. Now it looks like they’re going back to opening it back up to

The con-crud is going to be epic. Also, the public bathrooms accessible to con had to be a nightmare.

Everyone seems to be saying “after Covid” a lot in this article. It’s not over, friends are still getting zapped by it, ending in the Hospital. This has super-spreader all over it.

Any fire department that didn’t shut that down is not doing its job.