
you sound like the neighbor everybody fucking hates

But why though? How does adding onto one’s house make one an asshole? You sound like a bigger prick than this guy’s neighbors...

I’ve owned houses, nice ones.

Women have the opportunity to be in most positions in the military, but they still have to qualify physically. And very few would.

They have a response on their Facebook page.

will allow enrolled YouTubers over 18 (or over 13 with a guardian’s consent)

Words after someone hits you isn’t a de-escalation, it’s a continuation

I enjoy your work on Brooklynn 99.

Yeah, this is where I stand as well. I can’t stand KJ and have been talking about how awful he is for years.

Whatever his faults are (can’t say I’ve followed the allegations closely) I have no problem with him kicking someone’s ass for hitting him with a pie. The protester could’ve simply voiced his disapproval verbally or held a sign, but he chose a physical act. Well.....if you’re going to get physical with a former pro

I would like to preface this by saying that Kevin Johnson is an enormous piece of shit who should be publicly stoned to death by the residents of Sacramento.

i get that Kevin Johnson is kinda a dick, but why are the words “self-defense” or “in retaliation to” not anywhere in this piece? it wasn’t an unprovoked, random attack.

And the best part is that this is the first Forza Horizon game for PC. Which means I can get it. Which means I can mod it. Which means I can import a model of the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile into the game and make it an 800HP AWD terror. And it also has a 240Z in it, which is like a must-have for me to play the game

So after moving the couch and some cushions around I think I got the position right. It’s not awful on my back like I expected, but some obvious and not so obvious problems came up.

The steering wheel being that low moves your arms down near your crotch and there’s no elbow room or leverage to turn the wheel. I also

I believe its called “fun”. Give it a try sometime.