
How about 'bitch'???

Yeah, you're gonna get laid....but it will absolutely the worst possible sex ever, just because of the type of women who will be impressed by your bullshit!!

Holy fuck...are you a real person??

Too bad then that you're really very old!!!

Yeah..and we all know what "lovely dudes" really why didn;t you just say it was all women!!

Whoa....sounds like someones got their panties in a knot here!!! Everything else aside...I'm pretty sure that on the inside most women are pleased to have their tits stared at!!!

what an unmitigated load of pure shit!!!

with who? or is it "with whom"?

How relevant is that little tidbit of personal shit??

Nothing hotter than a fat nerd girl...they are the absolute best!!!

But did you bone him in the first month..if you did then "operation successful" for him!

You say...fuck you! Get a lawyer, see you in court!

Holy fuck!!! I'll never eat bacon again!

All younger guys want to fuck cougars...particularly ones who are well used!!

Well, you're a proper cunt aren't you??

Sounds like he was embarrassed because he spent almost three years jerking off to you...with no good result in the end and lot of bedsheets to wash!!

Jesus H are one bitter bitch!!

So you blew a bunch of guys and took it up the ass from others just to get dope! Big deal...almost every junkie has done that at one time or another!

Yeah you did...but anybody who even listens to Depeche Mode (let alone have any keepsake of them) is a fucking asshole!

Maybe not classy..but possibly very honest!!