I think the real solution is to make Brady play every game throwing a Nerf football next season...that’ll teach the dishonest prick!
I think the real solution is to make Brady play every game throwing a Nerf football next season...that’ll teach the dishonest prick!
Well don’t have a shit fit when, one day, you seem them fucking each other on the back seat!
Or the a kid that size could accidentally blow the dog (you know how they are at putting things in their mouth).
You’re a dummy....that cover-up is worth at least $500 a year.
I’m worried about him too....he looks like he doesn’t know how to shave real good!
I knew it! I just knew it! There is a place for crazy niggers! I knew it!
Have you ever seen a nigger with more fucking ugly tattoos than that guy?
He didn’t say much because he’s generally just a sadsack piece of shit!
maybe the tranny was related to Barnes
Yeah...she was pursing her lips in a big round “O” and thrusting her tongue against her cheek repeatedly while giving the blowjob movement with her arm. That’s work on just about anybody.
Send the piece of shit over to see me! I’ll show him a thing or two about torture! He won’t enjoy it.
In that few moments of silence you would have been well served to slam your fist up her asshole, sit her on your knee like a dummy, and have her say “I’m sorry to have troubled you..I’ll be on my way!”
Mmmm....understand...too bad its Gawker, I’d offer my services!
Obviously you’ve never had anyone give you good oral!
Use a glove? Use a glove? What is it supposed to be .....some formal fashion event?
You’ve got 10 of your own...what’s stopping you?
And whatever you do, don’t let fingering turn into fisting...especially in the asshole!
Which one of those words is the operative one...”classy” or “woman”
Takes one to know one.