
Do they handle Derry well? While Pennywise and It were scary what always freaked me out the most was Derry itself. The idea of an entire town being evil cuts deeply. The scene from the books which has always stuck with me the most was when Beverly is chased by her father and beaten in the street and everyone just

Okay guys, seriously, what is with the recent glut of Guy Fieri apology pieces? Is he also owned by Univision?? I didn’t use to have anything against him, but these constant HATING GUY FIERI IS BAD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD articles are making me look for reasons to hate him.

If we all decided to at least be neutral towards Guy, will the articles about him end? There’s no justification for anybody thinking about this man this much.

So, Guy Fieri got a new, highly-motivated PR firm in the past couple months, huh?

Suggestion for the column: a double-feature of “Dr. Strangelove” and “Fail-Safe”. (Each merits its own entry, but on watching both, you’d swear Stranglove is a parody of Fail-Safe... until you realize they were filmed at the same time and released in the opposite order.)