
Agreed. Vern was brilliant and fantastic. Genevieve was just a super nice person.

I’ll be honest and say I loved Frank and most of his designs. I would pick Vern over everyone, because I loved everything he did. Frank and Genevieve we tied for second, and Doug was a distant third because I liked his more sane rooms. Doug did a show called Moving Up later and I will never forget the shaming he put

I thought she used staples.

Stay safe. I am sure you are hearing it a lot, but seriously, I hope you and your cat safe.

I hope you are correct too. I have been feeling a bit hopeless about the state of the nation.

I had the same thought. She clearly doesn’t want to be with him and she knows what he is saying is meaningless and heartless.

The child he is dragging behind him seems to recognize that his statement is ultimately clueless and inappropriate.

I think it is an oblique reference to the terrorist attacks in Spain.

I really don’t think Trump knows he can’t fire the VP.

Ditto. He clearly had the body language of a man who did not want to be president.

I think it is possible, but I also think that his insanity, arrogance and obliviousness might inhibit that so we’ll just have to buckle our seatbelts and hang on for this crazy ride.....

I am unsurprised that the evangelical counsel has been silent.

That is beautiful perfection right there.

<quote> the previous 8 years must have been so difficult for them,</quote>

I knew something like Charlottesville was inevitable when Trump won in November.

I am vividly aware of that fact since War and Peace is one of my favorite books, but thanks for explaining anyway. We simply disagree and that is fine.

I thought it was kind of clever (just from listening to the CD), because it is so clear that the story isn’t over when the show ends, although the immediate drama is resolved.

My daughter has been following this story since the re-casting news was originally reported. I said essentially the same thing: I will be surprised if the show survives this, which is a shame because it is a clever show with a very talented cast (Caveat: I’ve not seen a performance—we have both the off-Broadway CD

I was just wondering if Trump realizes that he cannot fire Pence.

Honestly thank you! That makes sense! Another mystery solved.