I have wondered this as well, because my house was listed as just a bit less than 1400 square feet, but it has a full basement running the full length of the house. I’m sure there is a reason, but no one could ever provide it.
I have wondered this as well, because my house was listed as just a bit less than 1400 square feet, but it has a full basement running the full length of the house. I’m sure there is a reason, but no one could ever provide it.
They haven’t. They promote diversity, and are extremely inclusive. There is no spiritual test that anyone needs to pass to join and no one is turned away for failing to make a public assertion of faith.
No joke. That thought was a great motivator for me in my younger days.
That simply is not true. Girls are not required to have a spiritual belief to join.
I don’t know. Compared to the current head of state in the U.S., I might prefer to have one of the royals in charge instead.
And they can buy more stuff from said business owners.
A long-winded non-answer to her first question.
Ok, being against tax payer funding for a religious charter school is a valid point. I was thinking current state of things versus more impending doom. You are absolutely right. I fully support your hermitage tax credit.
We all benefit from the school system because we generally want an educated population. Future doctors and nurses are being educated right now in local schools as one example.
Respectfully disagree, I thought he was ridiculously attractive upon transformation and I was not expecting to have those feelings watching a Disney movie.
Loved it. Loved his performance. I have to admit though that I thought the dance sequence at the beginning of Beauty and the Beast would be significantly different because I had seen Legion first.
The scene with the flippers makes me laugh out loud.
No they are really singing to Meryl Streep, so it is all good.
My brother is certain that the UMC, as it is set up right now, will no longer exist in 10 years.
One of the most annoying things about the current administration is that it makes me long for the days of Bush/Cheney.
It was the perfect, absurd lead in on Friday nights for the X-Files, even though they were not on the same network.
That was what got me too: Uh no. You were elected to govern. That you chose to simply oppose and coast on that is your own fault.
I saw Agent Carter. I’m grabbing the stapler.
So true. But the part about alleviating muscle and joint pain caused me to wonder if I could just wrap myself in Christmas tree lights and get results.
So true. But the part about alleviating muscle and joint pain caused me to wonder if I could just wrap myself in Christmas tree lights and get results.