My daughter identifies with the Schuyler sisters from Hamilton and Matilda (from the musical of the same name). I really don’t know what that says, but I think it is hopeful.
My daughter identifies with the Schuyler sisters from Hamilton and Matilda (from the musical of the same name). I really don’t know what that says, but I think it is hopeful.
I knew from the first moment I saw the baby that it would not actually survive the movie.
I honestly thought it was the best anti-drug movie ever.
You made my daughter’s evening with your confirmation of his genuine sweetness.
I unfollowed the crazier family and friends. It has helped my sanity.
I actually snorted with laughter to the point I started choking and gasping for air when I read your comment.
And it has only been six days. I’m exhausted by the level of outrage on a daily basis.
Please share? Uh. Asking for a friend?
I also really loved People of Earth, but that is TBS. I reluctantly watched it because my husband wanted to give it a chance and it ended up being a show we tried to watch as soon after air time as possible.
That is so nice to hear.
I remember him vividly because he was such a calm, soothing presence.
Twelve, because he is not going to put himself in front of the press any more than absolutely necessary.
Me too.
No, I loved it too. I thought both Michelle Obama and Melania looked fantastic.
Yup. And I had to work for him. And know that they ultimately doubled his salary.
Nice. After posting earlier, I read the blog and was pleased to see that they were acknowledging a lot of scouts would be at the Women’s March. The GSUSA tends to walk a fine line to try to remain accessable to all girls and the far right in this country still raises a stink about some of the program materials.
I am so sorry you experienced that. Scouts has been a safe spot for my daughter, though she has seen other girls bullied at camp.
Well they support transgender girls in troops, so you are wrong about complete conformity to tradition.
I thought we weren’t allowed to use GS to support a political cause. I am planning to attend the march with my daughter, but we’re leaving our GS stuff at home.