In all of the materials it also clearly explains that Girl Scouts USA leaves what that means up to the individual girl to determines and there are no official badges requiring a proof of service to God.
In all of the materials it also clearly explains that Girl Scouts USA leaves what that means up to the individual girl to determines and there are no official badges requiring a proof of service to God.
Agreed. The kids and I are home tomorrow and there will be a lot of discussion and activities regarding Civil Rights and Martin Luther King Jr.
I saw the picture of POTUS and FLOTUS standing and looking at the skyline across the water and I thought, “nope. It will be a great speech, but I don’t want to cry for the rest of the evening. I’m returning to the Denial stage immediately.”
Except that the kids album is awesome and can provide parents with some much needed respite from traditional children’s albums.
If they race through it this year so help me, I will be quite put out.
There is also something to be said for remember that people who really love you don’t want you to follow them to death right away, that they want you to have a life and love and all that fun stuff. When my best friend died (like a sister because she is the very first memory I have), I kept reminding myself that she…
Hugs. I know you are going through your own grief as well as worrying about her. If it is any comfort, my uncle died almost 18 years ago, and my aunt was devastated because he really was her world. They were high school sweethearts and had all sorts of fun together their entire lives. He collapsed on her in the car to…
Oh. Gentle internet hugs to you. Many years ago, our family buried a grandma, an uncle and an infant nephew. It was a horrible time and I just managed to put one foot in front of the other for a long time.
The same.
So glad you mentioned Burning Bed because it was the first thing that popped into my head.
Mine is Robin Williams, followed by Freddie Mercury. Phil Hartman was a tough one too.
So deeply, incredibly stupid. I am baffled by it. I assume it had something to do with desegregation but I haven’t found out how long they have had that mascot or why they picked it. Regardless, it is appalling.
The mascot for a local high school is a Southern Rebel and there is a grey-washed Confederate flag. I hate it. People were very upset a few years ago when there was talk of changing the mascot. I’m in Ohio.
Well, he had that really bad car accident waaaaaay back between Star Wars: A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. Maybe he’ll be fine?
We watched the Force Awakens last night and cuddled with our kids. I don’t have the original trilogy party because I am a “Han shot first” kind of person. I may need to re-think that stance.
Nope because a few weeks ago, I was thinking “Dan Quayle. I would prefer Dan Quayle as president....”
Watching the news I’ve been wondering if the GOP are angling for treason and I wonder if he realizes that he is as much a pawn at this point as a player.
One of the most alarming things for me lately is that I find Lindsey Graham to be the voice of reason.
So sorry for your loss.