
I do not believe that Ohio is such a state. I actually think that the rapist has no parental rights, but it might require a criminal conviction and on top of that I think that it was rushed through (a theme with the Ohio General Assembly) and the wording was not quite right.

After reviewing his actual proposals, there were a few reasons I could not vote for him, but this was one of them. Though I would have absolutely voted for him over Trump.

I understand what you are saying too and respect your opinion on the issue.

I’ve been nauseous since November.

I think her point might be that we won’t be able to reach them at all if we are just being provocative.

I agree with you and I thought about suggesting we start our own religion with the same principles except with pink, fluffy bunnies instead of Satan. Then I remembered I grew up around evangelical Christians and they would still interpret pink, fluffy bunnies as being satanic.

Hugs. I have the same feelings when I look at my 14 year old daughter. We just have to teach our values to our kids including why those values are important and how we need to work to make things better.

Two years. We have two years. We need to flip things in two years so there isn’t a Republican stranglehold on the country.

Hugs. So sorry you are going through this.

I was thinking about this just this morning. I would never have guessed that Germany and Austria would be in this position.

I truly miss the actual history programming they once had on the History Channel.

My dad is from the swing generation and he tells me that he loves me even though I have an education, so that viewpoint is not limited to the Boomers.

Thank you I was just about to do the same thing but decided to read through the comments to see if anyone else posted the link to the committee members. Is it wrong to suggest that a hyperlink to the committee members page should appear when scrolling over the name of the committee in the article? I think that would

My oldest brother is the same way, even though he loves fishing in the Great Outdoors. And when I ask him if he is okay with pollution, he says no he just hates that people are lying about climate change.

So are we talking “stashing money in odd places around the house” kind of economic downturn?

I’m past the point of worrying about it, but I am eyeballing my young teen daughter and wondering, “Should we hook her up with an IUD?”

That is part of what breaks my heart over this election. It is worse when you try to explain this simple fact to people and they start yelling that she is worse than him based on a bunch of half-truths and full-fledged lies.

<quote>I can do this all day, every day for the next 4 years...</quote>

I agree with you completely and appreciate your optimism. My fear is that people seemed to ignore how completely vital this presidential election was, so what does that mean for the mid-term?

I’m not emotionally ready to watch it. I’m afraid I will collapse into a sobbing mess and I’m really trying to hold it together to fight the good fight over the next four years.