
Given there is likely to be significant blowback from the right on this vote, I’m ok with McCain getting credit/taking the heat. He’s unlikely to run again - if he wants to bask in the glow of taking a principled stand (while likely protecting some other moderates from threats from the WH), that’s fine by me. Keep in

Killer update on Murkowski being threatened by Zinke, though: he forgot she was his boss, didn’t think things through, and she’s now blocking his appointment hearings and appropriations. Oopsie! Checkmate.

Learn their fucking names: Susan Collins, Kamala Harris, Lisa Murkowski, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tammy Duckworth, Maizie Hirono and lastly and most importantly Hillary Rodham Clinton. To all of you ladies & the ones that marched & spoke you have my thanks, respect and

That’s great, but can we keep our eyes on Jared, please? Or Don, Jr.? Then again, maybe putting some pressure on The Only Child Trump Really Cares About will make him nervous and cause him to do stupid (and actionable) stuff.

Jared Kushner looking at the to-do list Trump has given him, “Reform the criminal justice system, run the office of american innovation, reform veteran care, solving the opioid epidemic, revamping the entire federal government, improving ties with foreign diplomats, create peace in the Middle East.”

Well it’s clearly not ‘say yes to the bra.’

and Emma Stone.

As Variety reports, Warner Bros. plans to film with an all-Asian cast—a very appropriate move given the story’s premise.



Oh no! One are don’t throw us into that briar patch, Republicans! Why if you use the nuclear option and remove the filibuster, whatever will we do? Like, if we ever regain the House and Senate in 2018 hypothetically and you’re the minority party however would we survive you being unable to hijack democracy again?

Selina summarized it so well.

You forgot the exclamation point! Irrelevant! Sad!

To give you a sense of how much Republican lawmakers care about women, take this vignette from Senator Pat Roberts today. When asked by a TPM reporter if he supported repealing Obamacare, Roberts sarcastically responded, “I wouldn’t want to lose my mammograms.”

Republicans were apparently defeated by their own broad contempt for human beings.

I read the whole (unredacted) interview. I know we all know this, but...I just can’t believe this clown is POTUS.

I take your point, but at colleges like Texas A&M (it’s a huge fucking school), the student government bodies actually do shit. The bodies from Texas A&M and UT are actively involved with the state legislature, and, well, college kids aren’t exactly schoolchildren. As in, they’re adults, not children.

Exactly. Oppression is only real when it happens to you or someone who looks like you.

I’m glad that Rick Perry (BA in underwater basketweaving) found the time to step away from running the Department he called for the elimination of to highlight what he believes to be someone wrongfully being installed into a position of power.

YES! My sister told me if that had happened to any of our siblings she would have bundled us up, took us to her house and made people strip to their underpants before being allowed in. Then she would hire an ex soldier to find the robbers.