
Oh! That makes much more sense. I couldn’t figure out how Epstein could make these connections so quickly after opening his business. He’s a college drop out from Brooklyn. He was hanging out with presidents, royalty and major celebrities within a couple years of starting his business. It doesn’t add up. 

This scared the shit out of me! I should not have read this while alone at night

Stull, KS supposedly contains a gateway with a stone staircase leading straight to hell. I grew up in KC, and witches and spooky kids would go to Stull on Halloween to hold ceremonies to open the gate to Hell. We heard juuussst enough creepy stories about a haunted tree and mysterious deaths to keep us from actually

I have a lipoma on the back of my neck, luckily covered by my hair. It doesn’t hurt and isn’t near any nerves so it just not worth it to me to pay out of pocket, since I have a $6k deductible. And I’m self employed so my income fluctuated a lot, so I try not to spend $$$ that I don’t absolutely need just in case I hit

Yeah, I literally just had this same conversation with someone who could not wrap her head around the fact that some women have permanent health issues after giving birth, and life threatening pregnancies. She had an easy pregnancy and flat out refused to accept that her experience wasn’t universal .

When I was a cater waiter, a coworker said shed never met a gay person. I was like, more than half the people in this room are gay, what are you even talking about!

And he was banned from a university in England for hanging out on campus to hit on young girls. He seems super skeevy

Maybe not now, but he was a huge, huge A list star in the 70s and 80s, who was in some of the most iconic and influential movies of the era. He

When I lived in Austin, it seemed everyone I knew had a story about him, and they were all overwhelmingly positive. I think he’s a sweet, eccentric weirdo. I never heard about any abusive or bad behavior .

Yes. I’m in my 50s, and people literally smoked everywhere. There were big ashtrays inside of, and in front of, every building. I remember when everyone would go to the bank on Friday afternoons to deposit their paychecks, you’d be in line forever, and people would just be puffing away. 

The ones in my city have recently started carrying a larger variety of foods and added some healthier stuff. I’m that asshole who buys raw cacao, quinoa flakes and almond flour

What? That’s crazy talk! I bought a parka for $30 during an unseasonable cold snap and liked it so much it became my regular winter coat. The Kirkland brand pesto, olive oil and cheese are cheap as hell, and satisfy my fussy, pretentious ass that grew up eating the high end, imported stuff from my best friend’s dad’s

Right, among the super rich, there’s Andrew Carnegie, who did enormous good, and gave away his entire fortune, Contrasted with  JP Getty who was an abusive monster who terrorized his family. They would still have the same basic life philosophy and personalities even if they weren’t wealthy.

The Laurie Anderson connection would be the most impressive to me too! 

Of course not, but we’re not social climbing assholes with no regard for money. They could have started a charitable foundation with less  money and probably connected with the same folks, in addition to helping people.

I have a lot of baby boomer clients, and the casual racism is sometimes mind blowing. They will talk about how liberal and progressive they are and then justturn around with a remark that’s just alarmingly stereotypical.

My guess is that they wanted their kids to make social connections. When I lived in LA, USC was THE favored school among old money and political families—it was known as the University of Spoiled Children. I don’t know if that’s still the case.

Passenger in Pam’s car is a good description. In the same way some people don’t photograph well, it’s like his personality doesn’t translate well. . I kind of feel guilty saying it, because I feel certain Pam and Pedro wouldn’t have loved him if he was actually as insincere and blank as he seems on TV

That name sounds super familiar....I think Martin Short talked about her in his memoir! I just IMDB-Ed her and she wrote for Second City, so I’m sure it’s the same person. 

Yesterday I decided to stop wallowing after a super shitty week, and just be nice to someone. So I yelled out my car window to a neighbor working in her yard that her garden looked amazing. I think I actually freaked her out, more than anything. 😀 But it was surprising to me how it shifted MY mood. Your post made