
I think they would have ripped him apart. I have come to fear men so much more in the last 10 years. In my town the cops hate domestic violence calls; they are happy to humiliate us, even jail us for calling for help. I’d bet it’s the same in Australia :(

Were those people restraining the kid his security detail? Or just members of the crowd?

It’s just a prank, bro! Stupid liberals believe the ok sign means white power, just because a bunch of racists flash that sign?”

Now playing

Just bought this record last night. Seems appropriate to leave this on this article...

After taking egghero down with a choke hold, some turd grabs his legs and tries to do WHAT? Is this a contemporary version of ‘drawing and quartering’?

If there is any question who the Christchurch shooter identifies with as his inspiration, here is a still from his booking.

shit. I am so sorry this has happened. I do have an awesome mom and I love her so much, not in a nothing she does is ever wrong love but in a I SEE you and I love you with ever molecule love. Bless you through your bones.

Sending hugs. I’m so sorry. 

I don’t have a mom anymore. She died last Saturday morning after only two days in hospice. Over the past four months we made 7 trips to Houston (14 flights), 7 rental cars, 9 airbnbs...I worked so hard to get her top notch treatment and it just wasn’t enough. If you have a great mom - like I did - call her and tell

Oh I know. His username says it all, really.

 Don't bother, he's just a mentally deficient troll who's scared of girls. And eggs. 

Yeah you’re right. Slapping an egg to the back of a fascist’s head is totally more violent than gunning down 50 people.

It’s time for the Weekly Achievement Thread! What have you done this week that is particularly amazing, big or small? Tell us about it so that we can marvel in your awesomeness!

Should have gone for the face, but the kid done good.

Honestly I’m amazed the others just had injuries. I see victims of car accidents come into the morgue all the time and let me tell you (though it’s obvious): high speed car accidents fuck you up.

Crashes around the 90-100 mph range have a disturbing habit of practically disintegrating the cars that are struck.

It definitely has the feel of setting him up for a defense later: “If this young woman had made no errors in putting her child into this car seat, it’s technically possible the baby might have survived the 90+ MPH car crash, even though that exceeds the safety rating of nearly any consumer-grade car seat. So, it’s

“Officer Christopher Manuel slammed into the passenger side of the Nissan that was carrying four adults and four children at 94 in his Corvette.”

When I saw this the first time around on Monday, I only had one sentiment: