Why do people assume the leaders of these social media giants are all benevolent progressives? They are highly intelligent billionaires who look down on us because of our lack of technical prowess or our lack of billions. We’re the product, people!
Why do people assume the leaders of these social media giants are all benevolent progressives? They are highly intelligent billionaires who look down on us because of our lack of technical prowess or our lack of billions. We’re the product, people!
Another way Facebook silences its POC users for speaking the truth...not surprising, another reason I stay off social media.
Facebook is trash and has been trash for years. Ain’t nothing’s changed except it’s 2017 now.
Never forget that the oppressors, by definition, are always a protected class.
But Delgado’s post, because she had called out white people in general, was deemed hate speech.
A couple of unrelated points I’m too lazy to work together.
And this is what happens when you comment on books you haven’t even fucking read yet... or even listened to Coates talk about the book in a 10 minute interview.
The old white lady 2 people in front of me in the 20 items or less line with 21 items. She farted out loud and didn’t even turn around. #badbitch
This list is fabulous. But so many women are badder than Taylor.
... Who told this sweet summer child that Taylor “Kanye was mean to me” Swift was even in the running for bad bitchitude?
It’d be a far shorter list to just name the WoC who AREN’T badder than Taylor Swift.
I don’t know Mrs. Scaramucci or anything about her, but of this I am certain...
That same guy goes on reddit years later with a post complaining about how everyone targeted him in the women’s studies class and gets 1000 likes.
A good lesson to teach boys at a young age: You don’t have to talk. Not saying anything and remaining silent is an option.
WTF conversation did he think they were having instead? The type of salad they’d be having for lunch? Shoe shopping?
“I don’t understand why women wear high heels, I don’t find high heels sexy at all. You should wear flats.”
Seriously. If I make it through the end of the year without a rage-stroke, it will be a goddamn miracle.
Maybe men could shut the fuck up for ten seconds.
“Lastly, I would like to add that I am troubled by how quickly and brutishly some have taken my comments out of context and attempted to blame my generation, my age, or my mindset, without having read the entirety of what I said.”
Normally I’d 100% agree with that sentiment, but going grocery shopping in Brooklyn is a very stressful mission, especially if you’re car free. When we lived there, our the local Trader Joe’s had a door man, only letting a few folks in at a time, in order to battle it out with someone over the last tomatoes, then…